Upgraded to IE7 and trouble began



This is my 7 day of enrountering trouble with my Internet Explorer: I get
errors after errors so I had to use my computer's SYSTEM RESTORE many times.
Finally I can't see my Desktop or all of my ICONS and can't START my computer
anymore. I called SONY for help and they were not able to help. My current
ERROR MSGS are following: BROWSEUI.dll (which Microsoft online said they have
no knowledge of) and EXPLORER.EXE unabel to locate component. I've searched
everywhere to trouble shoot but no luck. Anyone had a similar problem? I
tried to UNINSTALL my IE7 but the installaton can't finish because of another
ERROR- setup can't copy file ieeula.chm- therefore the removal was not
completed. I also reversed my LAST RESTORATION but still have the problem.
Thanks, Aiko

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