Internet Explorer 7 Please Help



Thanks for any help with this. I thought I might have had a virus until my
son came home and told me what he did this morning:

My son was installing IE7 this morning and Xed out of it. The installation
never finished and I'm getting winnet.dll errors everywhere.
I tried deleted it through add/remove programs but it won't let me.
Does anyone know how else I can delete IE off my system other then
Add/Remove programs so I can reinstall it correctly and not lose anything?
I can't even go into Change accounts without an error.

Alan Edwards

IE cannot be deleted on any recent version of Windows.
If you have XP, (I assume you do, or you son may not have been able to
start the install), it can not be uninstalled to a previous version.

You may do better at the IE7 group. Someone may advise if a System
Restore would be in order.

I see in that
the recommended newsgroup is microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

In a proper newsreader:

If you must use a web interface:



Hi Roseanne,
do not do a system restore, not yet. The installation may not have finished
yet. If you go to microsoft and try to download it again do you get the error
that you aleady have the program on the system?

If you do then try and locate the uninstall file:

and run it.

If you are getting too many wininet errors:
find the wininet.dll in: C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386 and copy it. Go to
the system 32 folder and replace the one in there with this one from the
service pack 2 folder.


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