Drive Image 7.0 / Norton Ghost 9.0



When I click the local D disk, (backup drive)
it shows PowerQuest Image file, C_Drive433.v2i, C_Drive.v2i and MAHPC.sv2i,
PowerQuest Enviro... sooo it does look like it is all in order.



I also did a image backup on DVD's and had Drive Image verify that it did
copy the image and Drive Image did verify it.

So hopefully all is well.



Once again that isn't a real test. You can HAVE DI tell you the image is OK
but it isn't. Been there, done that. While it has only happened twice to me,
it remains something you have to consider and it is why I always keep at
least 2 backups.


I have done regular backups and full restores using all recent versions of
Drive Image. I use DI like the Restore function in WinME onwards useful as I
dont have that function as I mostly use Win98se. After a bad install of a
beta prog or a crash or conflicts that I cant recover from by uninstalling I
restore from a known good image by Powerquest. Great it all works fine it has
never failed with Win98se or ME I have tried it with XP on my laptops but
wouldnt be at all suprised as there is to much "technology" in XP loads of
stuff you dont need that just gets in the way. XP if stack full of bugs so I
am sure they could quite easily foul up DI or Ghost. Tried Ghost 2003 seems
OK , shame Powerquest was taken over by Symantec they had great products I
see the Symantec upgrades of the PQ products are more money. The PQ email
backup was immediate the once I needed it I would bet a Symantec reply may
take weeks?and they might charge £ for it.

The ability to boot and restore an image from Dos disks is usefull if the PC
wont boot. Why use a silly name like ghost anyway an Image says it all.

Normally put the image onto a internal HD then copt this to a ex USB2 drive
.. Im covered if the worst happens an I loose the PC for whatever reason. Have
tried backing up to DVDR and DVDRAM both work fine but much slower than to HD

Why worry about CD/DVD anyway with HD space being so cheap. 200gb for £100
or less.

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