WinXP HOME tries log in DOMAIN??!



What might be reason why my laptop's WinXP home edition does not accept

It more like seems it would try to sign in domain or something?! And as far
as I know WinXP home does not support it.

Here's symptops exactly...

1. I turn PC on, it starts "normally"

2. when there should be normal "menu" (new user login menu that is) of users
to click and then sign in there is no such thing. I get instead messagebox
to type old user / login in to log in. (with no selection about computer or
domain to log in)

3. When i login, it starts to "load settings etc" that are totally NOT what
i had before. I always have changed that annoying winXP startup teletubby
background etc off. Now they are on my desktop when thing tries start...

4. After few moments it does tell "closing network connections" and just
tosses me OUT from windows, back to login box...

if i try again login, same stuff happens...

if I do not type any password and try "login" windows XP home, it tells me
that i should check my username and DOMAIN... To me this point to fact that
dumb winXP home would try to login on DOMAIN, no??? I do not have any
domain in my network.

I didnt even have my laptop "properly" networked with other PC because I had
some problems with NAT, and without that my ISP assigned my ip's to totally
different netblocks with different gateways.

So, I am pretty effectively LOCKED out from my windows XP home right now.

Does anyone have any idea WHY this kind of behaviour could happen? And what
can I TRY to do to fix it back to normal state?

I have only two user accounts on that laptop, my own with administrator
rights (that just keeps tossing me out) and other very restricted account
for other people...

It should not be cause of any virus or spyware etc, because I have had virus
killers, adaware, spybot s&d and spyware blaster etc always up to date.
Besides that I have been running firewall, ZoneAlarm Pro because I do not
take too lightly and carelessly when it comes to information security etc in
my PC's.

I havent done any changes in system, except ONE. I added my desktop PC's
"ip" to ZoneAlarm Pro's trusted zone ip's because I finally got IP (for
desktop) from my ISP that was not in different netblock. I don't think this
should or could have been caused by this, no? But I have learned that
anything can be possible in computer world.

I am not novice (many years of experience fixing windows problems for
others) when it comes to Windows related things, but this thing got me

I have tried safemode booting and what ever, and no dice sofar...

Any kind of help will be most apreciated because my recent work stuff, my
working tools etc. all are on laptop, and because of this I can not access
any of those. I wasn't sure what newsgroup to send this message, hopefully
this is decently proper for this purpose.

....sorry about multipost to almost same message on other newsgroup...


JustMe said:
Here's symptops exactly...

1. I turn PC on, it starts "normally"

2. when there should be normal "menu" (new user login menu that is) of users
to click and then sign in there is no such thing. I get instead messagebox
to type old user / login in to log in. (with no selection about computer or
domain to log in)

3. When i login, it starts to "load settings etc" that are totally NOT what
i had before. I always have changed that annoying winXP startup teletubby
background etc off. Now they are on my desktop when thing tries start...

This normally happens when you have Simple File Sharing enabled on XP Home
or Proffessional and you install Windows Media Player 9. I had the same
problem, the only fix is to disable simple file sharing, by going to an open
folder and clicking Tools -> Folder Options ->View and in the advance
settings scrollbox, scroll down to simple file sharing. disable it. If it is
already disabled, try enabling and then disabling it.


or Proffessional and you install Windows Media Player 9. I had the same
problem, the only fix is to disable simple file sharing, by going to an open
folder and clicking Tools -> Folder Options ->View and in the advance
settings scrollbox, scroll down to simple file sharing. disable it. If it is
already disabled, try enabling and then disabling it.

1st of all I do not have MP9 installed, and second of all..

HOW does one manage change settings when can't even get into WINDOWS?
Meaning, I can not start windows XP home enough to get any access to any

All that happens, is, after login windows tries fetch my settings because
it says so, and immediately starts tell "disconnecting network connections"
and tosses me out :) And ofcourse during that period I can not get in to any
settings because windows have't actually started yet "properly".

I haven't yet found any way to get IN windows to tweak anyting, not by
safemode, not by commandline nor any other way, all that happens is windows
kicks me back to login box and that's it.

thanks anyway this info. maybe I find some way in windows so i can try
change simple file sharing settings...

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