Eeek! I am forbidden access?


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hi guys, I was just wondering whether any of you might know why, when I attempt to login to the WGC, I receive this message:


"You don't have permission to access /j_security_check on this server."

My login details are correct, I have not forgotten my password or email address but I just cannot persuade it to let me in dammit! This is to access the website, of course. Seemingly, my work units are getting through okay, and I am receiving fresh work regularly.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Or does it just want to get stroppy with me? :lol:

Thanks for looking. :)
I just logged in after a long time and all is OK!

Which browser do you normally use? Try to clear the browser cache as sometimes that is the culprit. How about switching browser? Have you tried that?
I am permanently logged in but on opening the site just now I was faced with the log in screen which is very unusual. When I did log in everything was completely normal but it seems that something unusual has happened. If your problem had happened to me I would restart my PC and also restart my router.
Thank you both for your suggestions @Quadophile and @nivrip.

Yes, I have tried using a different browser (my normal one being Firefox) but received the same message. I am about to close-down for tonight, so will see whether the situation changes on booting-up tomorrow; can also try restarting the router then.

I remember there being a change, a while back, when the WCG switched from having us log in with a username and passport, to using an email address and password. Pretty sure I made the changes, because I successfully got into the forum fairly recently.

Anyway, I shall report back and let you know if they decide to let me in tomorrow - oops, that would be "today!" lol. :)
Well... this is annoying! Re-boot didn't help, so made a few more attempts before deciding to write them a message (using the form on their Help webpage.)

I filled in the form and gave a brief description of my problem, pressed "enter" and yes, you've guessed it, I received the same darned message: "Forbidden," etc! So seemingly, I cannot even get through to inform them about the problem. Ho-hum... :wall:
I once totally uninstalled WCG from my PC and then downloaded the whole program again. It was very straightforward and, of course, it remembered that I had previously been a member (from my log in details) and took up where I had left off. I did not lose any credits and my account was exactly as it had been before. :)
I once totally uninstalled WCG from my PC and then downloaded the whole program again. It was very straightforward and, of course, it remembered that I had previously been a member (from my log in details) and took up where I had left off. I did not lose any credits and my account was exactly as it had been before. :)
@nivrip - I have actually been thinking of taking this course of action. I can remember doing it when I got a new PC, ages ago, and all went well for me also.

The only concern is that if it is not recognising my login credentials at this point, will it perhaps go on a slightly different tack if I re-download? The kind of thing I mean, is that it will tell me that I cannot use this password, or that email address "because it is already in use" ... or still fail to recognise me, which would be a tad annoying. :eek:
Do you have another PC or laptop which doesn't have WCG on it? If so you could try downloading WCG on to that to check if your account is still in use (should be as you're still crunching). If that works out OK then you might feel more confident about uninstalling on your main rig.

I may also say that, thinking back, I have uninstalled WCG several times over the years and then reinstalled with no problems whatsoever.
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What a bummer! Sorry to hear about the issue. I have over the years reinstalled the software on different computers and so far nothing went wrong. As @nivrip suggested it is a good idea if you can install it on another computer and see how the credentials are accepted. That should give you confidence in reinstalling it on your main rig.
Ahem! lol I confess that I am now blushing deeply! I completely forgot to try logging in from my husband's PC (which has had BOINC running on it for many years, using same credentials.) Duh!

Anyway, I just went to the WCG Home Page and logged in on hubby's PC without any trouble at all. But when tried again on mine I got the same "Forbidden" blurb. So guessing it has to be something at my end.

It looks like I should go with the uninstall/reinstall option as you both have kindly suggested @nivrip and @Quadophile - I will probably do so later on when I have a bit more time.

Thanks so much to you both for your help, it has been much appreciated. :cheers: :cheers:
Just by way of an update - I uninstalled and reinstalled the BOINC client. All work units were still there, as predicted. However, I am still not able to connect to the WCG website, that "Forbidden" message persists. Getting a tad annoyed with it now. lol.
Weird. :cry:

My next step would be to log in on your husband's rig and go on to the Forums, particularly the Support section. I have found advice there on some occasions which has been very helpful.