I am running Windows XP.
How do I get windows to remember the selected file when returning to
the parent folder?
I know Windows Explorer can do this, I have several installations that
do this, how do I get my other systems to reselect the folder?
For instance:
Double click My Computer.
Double click C:
Double click any folder, "Windows" for example, best not to use the
first one for this example.
Press the Back Space key.
When Explorer re-displays the parent folder, I want the folder,
"Windows" in this example, to still be selected.
Most systems do not re-select the folder. But I have a couple of
systems that do re-select the folder.
How do I get Windows Explorer to re-select that folder, "Windows" in
the example above?
Also, I found that if I go to Tools -> Options -> View and deselect
"Remember each folder's view settings", click Apply, recheck, Click
Apply that the system will no longer remember the selection when
traversing back to the parent folder.
How do I get windows to remember the selected file when returning to
the parent folder?
I know Windows Explorer can do this, I have several installations that
do this, how do I get my other systems to reselect the folder?
For instance:
Double click My Computer.
Double click C:
Double click any folder, "Windows" for example, best not to use the
first one for this example.
Press the Back Space key.
When Explorer re-displays the parent folder, I want the folder,
"Windows" in this example, to still be selected.
Most systems do not re-select the folder. But I have a couple of
systems that do re-select the folder.
How do I get Windows Explorer to re-select that folder, "Windows" in
the example above?
Also, I found that if I go to Tools -> Options -> View and deselect
"Remember each folder's view settings", click Apply, recheck, Click
Apply that the system will no longer remember the selection when
traversing back to the parent folder.