SP 2 ??



I have heard many pros and cons about SP 2.
Can someone tell me if I really need to install it? Is the version that
can be downloaded from the Microsoft website , the same as the free SP2 CD
that Microsoft will provide?
For whatever it's worth, my computer runs fine.,.
Thanks again


If your computer is running fine AND you know how to properly secure it, SP
2 is not necessary.



I installed mine ages ago and have had no problems.

SP2 does fix some important flaws so IMHO it should be installed.

As far as I'm aware the download and the disk are the same.

Kind regards


R. McCarty

Your question isn't really about justifying or convincing you to install
SP2. It's really about the possibility that SP2 might render your PC
unable to boot or other problems.
Easy answer - in 98% of all cases SP2 installs/performs to spec. In
those 2% that don't, an uninstall via Add/Remove programs will get
your system back up & running. (But you still need to determine the
cause and eventually make the upgrade).
My advice is to use an imaging program and protect your install &
data. Once that is in place - Install SP2, even if you fall into the 2%
category of systems that have issues, a Image restore will have you
back up & running in short order.
As to the benefits - Just one needs mentioning. SP2 recompiles all
the codebase of XP to limit Buffer Overflows/Overruns. That one
feature prevents hackers from using that avenue to access your PC.
Just notice that several Microsoft Security patches have notations
that SP2 users aren't susceptible to the threat.


Good enough.....I shall go with it.

R. McCarty said:
Your question isn't really about justifying or convincing you to install
SP2. It's really about the possibility that SP2 might render your PC
unable to boot or other problems.
Easy answer - in 98% of all cases SP2 installs/performs to spec. In
those 2% that don't, an uninstall via Add/Remove programs will get
your system back up & running. (But you still need to determine the
cause and eventually make the upgrade).
My advice is to use an imaging program and protect your install &
data. Once that is in place - Install SP2, even if you fall into the 2%
category of systems that have issues, a Image restore will have you
back up & running in short order.
As to the benefits - Just one needs mentioning. SP2 recompiles all
the codebase of XP to limit Buffer Overflows/Overruns. That one
feature prevents hackers from using that avenue to access your PC.
Just notice that several Microsoft Security patches have notations
that SP2 users aren't susceptible to the threat.


90% of Windows users haven't heard of SP2 and would no sooner download and
install it than fly to the moon. So you'll be in very good company if you
ignore it and continue to use your (working) PC as normal.


Jone Doe

well Bobby, if your numbers are correct (which I seriously doubt) and 90% of
XP users don't ever look at critical updates and as a result have never
even heard about SP2, despite all the news about it, then it follows that a
full 90% of Windows XP users will soon find themselves with no support from

It's not a good idea to 'make up' statistics to try to prove something
improbible, even though 97.3% of all statistics are made up on the fly.


90% huh.


Bobby said:
90% of Windows users haven't heard of SP2 and would no sooner download and
install it than fly to the moon. So you'll be in very good company if you
ignore it and continue to use your (working) PC as normal.


R. McCarty

I've installed SP2 on 112 PC's. 2 systems would not boot or
required a Image restore to return to service.
2/112*100=1.79% of total, rounded to 2% ( Yields 98% success


Based on your own personal experience it is useless. Please stop misleading
people the actual failure rate is much higher.


Care to put a figure on it?

Kind regards

Based on your own personal experience it is useless. Please stop misleading
people the actual failure rate is much higher.


Verified surveys put the figure between 8% and 30%.
Try Google over 90,000 hits on XP SP2 failure.



Anyway, all statistics are meaningless, However advising someone to install
SP2 without including necessary preparation information and advising a full
backup is simply irresponsible.


Tony Talmage

Yes, and how many successful installations have there been? People don't
normally post saying "Well, upgraded, everything went off without a hitch."
People only make a note when they have problems. Find out how many
successful installs there have been, then compare your 90,000 and give me a


Who did the surveys and verified them?

The diversity of the figures is so wide one wonders about the accuracy
in the first place. A spread of 8 to 30% makes one assume that the
survey is not scientific whatsoever.

And just because Google had 90,000 hits doesn't mean to say that all
90,000 had problems with the Service Pack. These could be hits from
people who haven't put it in yet, people who have and are looking to see
what problems others had [and yes I did that] or people who have problems.

All I can speak from is the experience I have which tells me that all
the PCs at my place of work were upgraded with no problems [over 200], I
have had no personal problems with my pc after upgrade nor have any of
my friends and work mates.

I also am a member of several computer forums and with the odd exception
there has been little negative feedback about SP2 installation.

Kind regards



Totally irrelevant to someone who has trashed his computer.


Wab said:
Who did the surveys and verified them?

The diversity of the figures is so wide one wonders about the accuracy in
the first place. A spread of 8 to 30% makes one assume that the survey is
not scientific whatsoever.

And just because Google had 90,000 hits doesn't mean to say that all
90,000 had problems with the Service Pack. These could be hits from people
who haven't put it in yet, people who have and are looking to see what
problems others had [and yes I did that] or people who have problems.

All I can speak from is the experience I have which tells me that all the
PCs at my place of work were upgraded with no problems [over 200], I have
had no personal problems with my pc after upgrade nor have any of my
friends and work mates.

I also am a member of several computer forums and with the odd exception
there has been little negative feedback about SP2 installation.

Kind regards

Verified surveys put the figure between 8% and 30%.
Try Google over 90,000 hits on XP SP2 failure.


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