Rude replies



Neil said:

But it goes to show, that you lack the self-control to stop reading my
posts. You continue to torture yourself reading my rude posts, instead
of taking matters into your own hands and stop reading my words! But
then again, at your age, you have a hard enough of a time controlling
your bowels let alone being able to control what you read!

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David said:
What's your problem with bad language? I can understand the septics
problem with it (lots of guns), but yours.

There hardly is anything more relativistic than the concept of "bad

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David said:

Here's a reward fo y'all. You too can be a RAAF guard. RAAF bases get
buzzed by wild balloons and only the guard can defend the base.

Thankfully Australia's enemies don't seem to have planes.

They'll just "borrow" America's planes when they feel the need!

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Ken said:

I'm afraid it is too much to ask. As much as you or I might want
to set such rules, the reality of the way these newsgroups work
is that there are essentially no rules.

What is, is. Your choices are to live with it the way it is, or
if you can't, killfile those who offend you. Alternatively stay
away from the group entirely.

He'd have to use a newsreader in order to kill-file me like you have
Ken! ROFL!

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"kurttrail" wrote
Not where I'm from we ain't.

Maybe David's confusing us with the English. American are famous for
hoofinmouth afflictions. Look at who's in the White House for crying
outloud. Bush would probably think that "polite" means "pour me a lite".


Just had to interject my "rude reply".



Neil UK said:
Wrong. I am not a troll, in any way you choose to define that word. You
cannot find in any previous posting of mine where I have raised points
to be a nuisance. I just want this website, or whatever it s supposed to
called, to be used only to solve the problems of XP users. Is that too
to ask?

Um, you started an off topic thread called "Rude replies" and, surprise,
surprise, you got all the rude replies you could ever need.

Now, if you want to know something about XP, we're all ears.



Neil said:
As a relatively new subscriber to this newsgroup, I wish to express my
disgust that one or two people are replying to questions that have
been posed by persons who are in difficulties by writing insulting
and useless replies that do not help the person who posed the
original queries. I myself am not in any way an expert: but when I
see people who hold themselves out to be experts indulging in
personal and scatological abuse of others, I say ENOUGH!

Recently a person who calls himself Kurtrail and another who is
called David Candy have, in my opinion, fallen below the standards
that I believe should apply to a zone that should be dedicated to the
pursuit of constructive excellence. This site should not be the
ground for the dissemination of political or self-aggrandizing

Nor have we been helped by the fact that it now appears that two
different people are posting using the handle "Kelly". There is only
one Kelly, so please will the spoofer get off the line. I assume that
those who host this site will take notice of my remarks and take
steps to regulate matters so that only constructive and not
DE-structive messages are posted.

Think I rude here?! Think again! Just check out my latest Blog entry!

I dedicate it to you, Neil, as it was your obvious case of LDS that
inspired it!

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OMG! Now look what you've started Neil.

| As a relatively new subscriber to this newsgroup, I wish to express my
| disgust that one or two people are replying to questions that have been posed
| by persons who are in difficulties by writing insulting and useless replies
| that do not help the person who posed the original queries. I myself am not
| in any way an expert: but when I see people who hold themselves out to be
| experts indulging in personal and scatological abuse of others, I say ENOUGH!
| Recently a person who calls himself Kurtrail and another who is called David
| Candy have, in my opinion, fallen below the standards that I believe should
| apply to a zone that should be dedicated to the pursuit of constructive
| excellence. This site should not be the ground for the dissemination of
| political or self-aggrandizing opinions.
| Nor have we been helped by the fact that it now appears that two different
| people are posting using the handle "Kelly". There is only one Kelly, so
| please will the spoofer get off the line. I assume that those who host this
| site will take notice of my remarks and take steps to regulate matters so
| that only constructive and not DE-structive messages are posted.
| --
| Neil UK


Alias said:
Um, you started an off topic thread called "Rude replies" and,
surprise, surprise, you got all the rude replies you could ever need.

Now, if you want to know something about XP, we're all ears.

Now that you explained how he is a troll, he'll have to lie to deny it

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Kerry Brown

Neil UK said:
As a relatively new subscriber to this newsgroup, I wish to express my
disgust that one or two people are replying to questions that have been
by persons who are in difficulties by writing insulting and useless
that do not help the person who posed the original queries. I myself am
in any way an expert: but when I see people who hold themselves out to be
experts indulging in personal and scatological abuse of others, I say

Recently a person who calls himself Kurtrail and another who is called
Candy have, in my opinion, fallen below the standards that I believe
apply to a zone that should be dedicated to the pursuit of constructive
excellence. This site should not be the ground for the dissemination of
political or self-aggrandizing opinions.

Nor have we been helped by the fact that it now appears that two different
people are posting using the handle "Kelly". There is only one Kelly, so
please will the spoofer get off the line. I assume that those who host
site will take notice of my remarks and take steps to regulate matters so
that only constructive and not DE-structive messages are posted.

Your seemingly innocent post is in reality an evil plot to take away my
preferred form of entertainment. Nothing better than a Sunday morning
fishing trip trolling for minnows. Occasionally you hook a whale but that
can be fun too.

Seriously though, part of the reason Usenet is still here after all these
years is because it allows a free flow of uncensored information. Uncensored
internet access, of which Usenet is part, has helped with the downfall of
more than a few tyrannical governments. With that kind of freedom comes
abuse. Learn to put up with it or use AOL for your ISP. Oh yeah, I forgot,
they censored Usenet right out of existence for their customers.



In peacemaker <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Hey Kurt. Before you go criticizing people on their lack of knowledge
or expertise you better take a look at yourself first. I see tons of
posts by you asking questions that my 10 year old niece can answer.
So I question your level of knowledge and expertise. Then I see
replies from you that are rude just as Neil explains and to top it
off you give the wrong answers or suggestions. I'm not sure if you do
this on purpose just to irritate the NG or if it is simply becuase
you lack the knowledge. I assume it is the latter given your attitude.

Hey now, Kurt may be ignorant in the humanity areas of life but I've seen
him post valid and valuable information in the past. While he is, in
reality, much like the common troll he sometimes pokes himself away from the
egotistical drivel commonly associated with him and makes honest posts that
contain good information. While I'd not done any statistics on this I'd say
that 5% of his posts are worth reading from an educational standpoint. The
rest are useless, arrogant, tin-hat wearing, boarderline insane, drivel
perhaps but 5% is far better than some others. Whilst I don't disagree with
many of the threads topics as they're listed I can't really say that I've
honestly seen Kurt post anything as a question that wasn't in the advanced
category. I can also say that I don't recall, it could be I have a bad
memory, him ever giving "wrong answers." Now, I've seen him giving MANY
unwanted/unwarranted answers <g> but never really wrong from a technological
view point. If you want to cite his frailties (and he has many as I'm sure
we all do) then it's best to probably grab the more noticable ones to refer
to such as attitude, vulgarities, violations of the terms of agreement for
use of the server perhaps though I must admit I've never read them, or
generally goading people to ire. However, don't cite him as giving bad tech.
answers nor asking poor questions. *chuckles* (At least I've not witnessed
any of that.) When he's not busy being a troll he's fully capable of giving
good advice and helping and a couple of distant memories seem to hazily
include him posting stuff I'd not known.


"And that recommendation, with the exaggerated estimate of my ability
with which he prefaced it, was, if you will believe me, Watson, the
very first thing which ever made me feel that a profession might be
made out of what had up to that time been the merest hobby."

Sherlock Holmes


Hi Neil,

I have really tried to read this thread but gave up. As I would normally
support these two, I give up again. All of this really needs to stop.
There is no humane nor technical point to it.


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP


Kelly said:
Hi Neil,

I have really tried to read this thread but gave up. As I would
normally support these two, I give up again. All of this really
needs to stop. There is no humane nor technical point to it.

It's all in good fun, at least on my part. I particularly enjoyed it
when Neil responded rudely to John Eddy, when all John was doing was
trying to help him.

Neil overracted to a couple of posts he read yesterday in one thread.
The funny part is that he has backed down with David, and is still upset
with me, and I only posted one reply in that thread, to Leythos about
how he was rude reply enabler.

"Lameboy, this is the USENET, not your weekly Bible Study meeting.
Being a pansy Miss Manners is only gonna get you flamed more, not less."

That was the full extent of my participation in that "offending thread"
before Neil started this one.

So having totally overracted with this thread, over the events of one
isolated thread among millions, about David, about me, and about sombody
else named Kelly, whose only offense is using the same name as you, I
decided to give Neil what he needed.

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well you just might find
You get what you need

And I'm just the bastard to supply that need! ;-)

So that about sums up this thread. There really is no need to read it.
Whether Neil knew what he was doing or not is immaterial. This thread
is just a troll, and "There is no humane nor technical point to it,"
other than teaching Neil a lesson. And that lesson is to worry about
what you can actually control, your own actions.

But if you want to see a classic, read the exchange between Neil and
John Eddy. Neil basically tells John that his problem with me is really
John's problem and to deal with it. It is a perfect example of the
British false sense of superiority over all!

Have a good one, Kelly.

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I hear you, Kurt and no harm done. He just didn't know what he was jumping
into and was expressing his opinion from the old school. By the way, he is
retired attorney and only meant well, I would wager to guess. :blush:)


All the Best,
Kelly (MS-MVP)

Troubleshooting Windows XP

andy smart

David said:
But this is only in your head. It didn't happen.

Actually I think one point that Neil made in his post is true, while the
majority of people here are helpful, tactful and considerate, there are
people here who post offensive, insulting and defamatory replies which
IMHO fall far short of what I was bought up to consider acceptable.

Kurt makes the point that:
"This is the virtual wild west, and if you are as unarmed as you appear,
then you should cower in the corner with the womenfolk and watch house
the gunslingers fight it out" - which is the kind of attitude to which I
think Neil is alluding. It may come as news to many here, but a lot of
'civilians' regard computer users as rude, intollerant, arrogant and
with minimal social skills, and the way some people carry on here will
only re-inforce that in somebody who is having problems, hears that on
usenet they can get advice from experts for free, and then gets treated
like dirt for asking. Worth also noting that the gunslingers in the wild
west only killed people, it was the ordinary people with civilised
manners who actually created anything in the west.

Standing back and waiting for the abuse to come my way next ......


Kelly said:
I hear you, Kurt and no harm done. He just didn't know what he was
jumping into and was expressing his opinion from the old school. By
the way, he is retired attorney and only meant well, I would wager to
guess. :blush:)

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Yeah, I understand where he is coming from, and that is why I stood up
to him. I will never back down to the PC police. Oh, they mean well,
just like the Nazis thought that they were doing good for their society.
But I happen to be a traditionalist American. I believe in an absolute
right to free speech, and will not stand aside quietly when I see
someone trying to infringe on it.

"Live Free or Die!"

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"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
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