Remote Desktop Printing Using USB connection



I use Remote Desktop to connect to work over a VPN line. Both run XP Professional

I can't print on my local printer from my remote printer with my new printer which uses a USB port. I had no problems with my old printer which used a parallel port

I tried the registry edit in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 302361, but it had no effect. Also looked over the previous posts, but nothing seemed to apply to my situation

I'd be grateful for any help



just doing this now you have to redirect the printer goto
command line use a net use lpt3 \\computer name \share
also you might have to change the reistry key;en-

this should work
-----Original Message-----
I use Remote Desktop to connect to work over a VPN
line. Both run XP Professional.
I can't print on my local printer from my remote printer
with my new printer which uses a USB port. I had no
problems with my old printer which used a parallel port.
I tried the registry edit in Microsoft Knowledge Base
Article - 302361, but it had no effect. Also looked over
the previous posts, but nothing seemed to apply to my


I don't have an lpt3 port. Will that command add one, and, if so, how with that link back to the usb port where the printer is

I already checked out;en-us;q302361 and updated the registry based on the instructions in the article. It made no difference. That didn't really surprise me as the situation in the article didn't apply to printers on usb ports.

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