Long Shut Down and Restarts



Hi all,

I have a windows 200 server runing on my network, I have
had this issue for a while and its getting frustrating.
Whenever I have to rebot or shut down the server it takes
about 15Min to shut down I see the messege saving your
settings. I have a HP Proliant Server with 768Mb Memory
running the following Active Dir, DNS, Exchange 2K3, and
Trend Antivirus Client.

Has anybody encountered this problem before?

Your input would be appriciated.



Mark-Allen Perry

It's most likely Exchange. I've seen this for years. The best method I have found is to have a batch file that you run manually that shuts the Exchange services off in the correct order. Then you select shutdown.

I don't have the batch file on my laptop and I can't remember the correct order. What I suggest is to go to Manage Computer, then select Services, right-click one of the Exchange services, and then Stop. I bet a dialog box appears that list the other services. Write them down or into Notepad.

Click cancel all the way out. Go to Command Prompt. Enter "Net Stop {service name}" (minus quotes and using one of the service names). The command will either work, so write it down as the first. If it doesn't work, there will be a message that other services need to be stopped first. Write those names down and place them before the first one you chose.

To get the correct "service names", NOT the display name, use this VB script.
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colRunningServices = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Service")
For Each objService in colRunningServices
Wscript.Echo objService.DisplayName & VbTab & objService.State & vbTab & objservice.name

Save as (for example), "showsrv.vbs". Run as "cscript.exe showsrv.vbs" (minus quotes)

This will print out the display name, the running status, and the "real" name. Use the real name to stop and start the service.

Hope this helps.

Mark-Allen Perry
ALPHA Systems
Marly, Switzerland

Hi all,

I have a windows 200 server runing on my network, I have
had this issue for a while and its getting frustrating.
Whenever I have to rebot or shut down the server it takes
about 15Min to shut down I see the messege saving your
settings. I have a HP Proliant Server with 768Mb Memory
running the following Active Dir, DNS, Exchange 2K3, and
Trend Antivirus Client.

Has anybody encountered this problem before?

Your input would be appriciated.



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