Is it possible to stop Microsoft Oultook Express Identiy logon from appearing when I start Outlook 2


George Hester

That's what I have done. I use an Identity with a password. I have always done this. Then when I fire up
Outlook Express I choose an available login identity (there is only one) type the password and away I go. If I
then open Outlook 2003 there is no issue. So please let me explain the issue once more.

If I start the system up (Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2) and after
the desktop appears and all has settled down, if I start Microsoft Outllook 2003 I get a MAPI prompt. I have
three available MAPI profiles. If I choose any one of them it doesn't matter which, the Microsoft Outlook
Express Identies logon box will appear while the GUI of Microsoft Outlook 2003 completes. If I cancel it all
proceeds normally. If I type the password in and say OK all proceeds normally. Note I did NOT say that
Microsoft Outlook Express appears. It does NOT in both cases. The only issue is that when I open Microsoft
Outlook 2003 before I have ever touched Microsoft Outlook Express I will get the Microsoft Outlook Express
Identities Logon box.

That is what I am trying to stop and to me it looks suspiciously like a Microsoft Outlook 2003 issue since I have
always done this and this has not happened in any other version of Microsoft Outlook I have used 2000\XP.

No I didn't use Tom's script because I am not having that issue. If I want it to prompt me for a password to the
Identites I can either start Microsoft Otlook Express initially and or Log Off the identity and open Microsoft
Outlook Express again. In any case I am not having trouble getting Microsoft Outlook Express to query me for a logon to the Identity when it is done the way it is supposed to be done.

You second suggestion there is really no choice in the matter. Yes it is set to use an identity (there is only one
available - it has a password and is set to ask for that password everytime - I explained this eatlier). I believe you
had asked me to uncheck, "Use this identity when starting a program." I did that. The issue occurs no matter if
that is checked or not..

George Hester

Hey wait a minute DGuess:

Since Microsoft Outlook 2003 can hook into hotmail and it is the only version of Outlook that has this functionality natively a part of the application and since all my Outlook Express accounts are hotmail maybe that is the issue? I wonder what would happen if I removed all hotmail accounts from a identity and chose that identity to be used in the check we were looking at earlier...I'll try that and see how it goes...

George Hester

That did it DGuess. I made a new identity I called No Hotmail. I left it alone did not configure it to receive e-mail from any source. Just made the new login and then set in Manage Identites to use that account in the place we were discussing way back at the beginning of this thread. I logged off that identity and shut down Microsoft Outlook 2003. Then I reopened Microsoft Outlook 2003 and went into the profile that I use for the majority of my email there. I got the MAPI prompt and chose that one and bit my nails while Outlook Today formed. No Microsoft Outlook Express Identity logon prompt. Finally.

So there you have it. It's a bug in the Hotmail integration with Microsoft Outlook 2003.

George Hester
Hey wait a minute DGuess:

Since Microsoft Outlook 2003 can hook into hotmail and it is the only version of Outlook that has this functionality natively a part of the application and since all my Outlook Express accounts are hotmail maybe that is the issue? I wonder what would happen if I removed all hotmail accounts from a identity and chose that identity to be used in the check we were looking at earlier...I'll try that and see how it goes...

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