Intel Prescott CPU's and Service Pack 2


PA Bear

root said:
That thread contains almost nothing. It does contain meaningless list of
mobos without revision level nor BIOS version.

Read all posts in the thread, please, including ones posted recently.


Yes, I "merely asked a question to start the thread" on August 8th, when my
pen name was Roger_Over (my IP address was different, I changed modems
since then). So, it is MY THREAD that you elected to post to 16 times when
you went round and round with Cari and others. If you don't believe it's my
thread, just ask Cari, she knows. My observation is that you are more
argumentative than helpful.

And trust me, I know which BIOS is correct for my mobo, and no root, I DID

Jim Byrd

YW, Eran, and yes, that does appear to be the current status, although I
think that, had I a Prescott, I would opt for the Bios update if I didn't
show the required level using Intel's tool, regardless of SP2 knowing what
we know now.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP


Jim Byrd

Come to think about it, maybe for others than Prescott, as well, if they
don't show the proper microcode revision using the Intel Processor Frequency
ID utility. My guess is that that's an invitation to troubles.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP


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