Help diagnosing internet access issue



Hey there,

If anyone knows of a tool I could use to diagnose this, I'd appreciate

Running XP on two computers. One laptop, one desktop, both HP, both
wireless broadband.

The laptop, if I lose connection to the internet, I can just reconnect
easily, and within about 10 seconds using "View available wireless

However, on the desktop, even after a fresh startup, four out of five
times, I can try to connect, again and again, with no luck. Try
repair, try disable/enable, try connect, no luck. Restart, see if it
picks it up automatically... nothing, try again, restart.

Both computers show 4-5 green bars in the connect window.

When I do eventually get on the desktop, I have strength of good to
excellent. However, no matter what the strength, access times for any
site, in Firefox or IE is extremely slow. A page that takes 3 seconds
to access and render on the laptop will take several minutes to come up
on the desktop, if at all. It is really unusable at this point.

I think this problem started within the last month. The only change
I've made recently was to install Norton AV 2006, which I uninstalled
as a test today, with no change.

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?




Hey there
If anyone knows of a tool I could use to diagnose this, I' appreciat

Running XP on two computers. One laptop, one desktop, both HP bot
wireless broadband

The laptop, if I lose connection to the internet, I can jus reconnec
easily, and within about 10 seconds using "View availabl wireles

However, on the desktop, even after a fresh startup, four out o fiv
times, I can try to connect, again and again, with no luck. Tr
repair, try disable/enable, try connect, no luck. Restart, see i i
picks it up automatically... nothing, try again, restart

Both computers show 4-5 green bars in the connect window

When I do eventually get on the desktop, I have strength of good t
excellent. However, no matter what the strength, access times fo an
site, in Firefox or IE is extremely slow. A page that takes second
to access and render on the laptop will take several minutes to com u
on the desktop, if at all. It is really unusable at this point

I think this problem started within the last month. The onl chang
I've made recently was to install Norton AV 2006, which uninstalle
as a test today, with no change

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this



Norton may have changed your security settings in internet options
Check those and make sure that they are set to default settings an
not custom


lurkswithin said:
Norton may have changed your security settings in internet options>
Check those and make sure that they are set to default settings and
not custom.

Where is "internet options"? I'm still not having any luck. This
thing is taking forever!



Bob said:
Look in "Control Panel" or click on Tools on the IE menu bar.

Oh, that internet options... :) Sorry 'bout that. Will check later.
But I get the same issues in Firefox. Forever to load. In fact the
connecting to the network issues happen when no browser is up.


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