Flops' Friday mini blog


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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The band Squeeze played my local, The Pelton Arms in Greenwich, earlier this evening. Chris Difford couldn't make it but imo this lineup of musicians is the strongest the band has ever had.


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Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Looks like a good night @floppybootstomp :thumb: Did they play "Up The Junction" (one of my favourites) which I just found on YT - that lead singer must have a painting in his attic, because he hasn't changed very much has he?


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Looks like a good night @floppybootstomp :thumb: Did they play "Up The Junction" (one of my favourites) which I just found on YT - that lead singer must have a painting in his attic, because he hasn't changed very much has he?

Yes, they played Up The Junction and all the other hits, the two hour set was a 50/50 mix of old and new and their latest stuff is almost a return to form, there's been a fair bit of dross along the way it's fair to say.

Glenn Tilbrook turned 60 last August and he does look exceedingly healthy lately, I have to admit. Probably less nose powder and more fresh fruit & veg ;)


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Twas a pleasant evening so thought I would cycle to the Anchor & Hope at Charlton and have me's a pint of IPA. Got as far as The Cutty Sark (the boat) when the skies filled with ominous dark cloud, lightning flashed and peals of thunder shook the air.

'Buggering hell' thought I, recalling the Saturday evening deluge we had I thought I best abandon my outting and head back home. So I did. So here I am on this warm and muggy evening wondering what computer game to play or film to watch, slurping some red wine and trying to keep cool with a fan going.

A note to those of the Stars n Stripes persuasion: An 18" rotary fan is the Brit version of 'Air Conditioning'. Here's a snap I rattled off just after the couds rolled across the sky. And it may have been a false alarm cos it hasn't started raining yet...


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I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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... the 'rain' waited for you to return home ... and laughed.

Is hot, all my fan is doing is pushing the hot air around. :rolleyes:


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
No wonder you decided to head for home, @floppybootstomp, that sky looked pretty threatening. I hope you managed to enjoy your evening, despite the change of plans?


Mar 25, 2003
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The forecast threatened huge storms on Sunday and Monday, but it was fine in the end! Good job too, otherwise it would have been a very soggy BBQ! Sorry to hear your pub trip didn't happen though @floppybootstomp

Hope everyone enjoyed the bank holiday weekend :cheers:


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
My evening was ok but would've preferred to have supped a pint or two looking over the river, O2 and the Thames Barrier.

The rain managed to get me with a vengeance today though, I absolutely had to do some grocery shopping which involves 2 x 10 minute walks in the open. The skies opened and I arrived back home decidedly soggy.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Have been fairly busy this week, sound system failures in Tower Hamlets and Peckham and surveys for future works in Fulham and Dulwich. Here's hoping. Off to Bath later for the weekend to stay with daughter & boyfriend and have a look at the house they've just bought.

Oh, I think it's a fathers Day thing...


Mar 25, 2003
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Hope you have a nice time in Bath! That's exciting about your daughter buying a place, is it their first house? Always an exciting step.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Well... :mad:

So I set off at 15:00 hours heading for Bath. At 17:00 hours I'm dormant at Paddington Station Concourse amid crowds of angry and frustrated would-be travellers wondering if they'll ever reach their destinations. Why? Cos some selfish ****er decided to top themselves by jumping in front of a moving train at Southall. I did arrive at Paddington to see a Bath-bound train at platform 4 but it was literally packed to the rafters and station staff weren't letting anybody else board. From thereon nobody knew when the next train would be to about 50% of the destinations reached from Paddington. British Rail Network is a total ****up. I'm going to try again in the morning.


Mar 25, 2003
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Oh no, sorry to hear that! I feel for whoever took their life, it must be awful to get to that point, but to choose to put the train driver through that is also terrible :(

Hope you have better luck today :nod:


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Here's a more bloggish entry where towards the end I do get a little political perhaps. We've discussed politics here before and if you wish to engage in debate about anything I've expressed here then please do, all I ask is that we keep it civil.


My electric kettle died today. I woke up, emptied kettle, half filled kettle, plonked kettle on power supply base and switched it on. And… bugger-all. It be dead, no go, kaput, lifeless. It was manufactured by Breville and was 12 years old, so not a bad innings.

Checked plug fuse, that was ok. Opened base, 240 volts present at switch but only have continuity to negative side of element when switch in closed position, positive side from switch to element is open circuit. The switch looks and feels like a relay type affair and is sealed so can’t repair.

So short of bypassing the positive side of the switch to the element with a piece of wire, there seems to be nowt I can do. The switch unit looks problematic to replace, even if one was available to buy. Figure it’s twelve years old and has a fair amount of limescale so I bin it, head down to Argos at Lewisham and buy another Breville kettle which is all black and lights up, looking really far out and groovy. You will note my use of hip sixties vernacular there.

Returning home on the DLR (that’s the Docklands Light Railway for those unfamiliar with the inner London transport systems) I cop the front seat and I wonder how other passengers would react if I made out I was an engine driver, steering the train and making ‘w00-woo’ and ‘chuff-chuff’ noises or perhaps breaking into a chorus of Train Train or Chattanooga Choo Choo. I’m sure many folks make out they’re the driver in that position or perhaps I am the only loony in this neck of the woods, who knows?

I see on the BBC news that a 15 year old was stabbed to death at a North Romford Community centre in Essex and note with some annoyance the BBC refer to this area as ‘North London’. So when did Essex have London post codes?

More interesting was the picture of the community centre on the BBC news showed it was flying the England flag, the red cross on a white background depicting St George, England’s patron saint. I thought to myself I do see this flag flown publicly in many places and also the Union Jack flag flown in even more public places.

And this fact makes a nonsense of the dozens of Facebook posts and memes I see from whingers who constantly claim we’re not allowed to fly the British or English flag as it offends immigrants. This is the self-pitying card being played to stir up hatred and mistrust of anybody who might be a little different from ‘us’ and specifically against Muslims. The people who post these mistruths are usually closet racists and would have us believe that every Muslim is a member of Al Qeda and intent on carrying out terrorist atrocities in Great Britain. Indeed, they say there’s nothing every Muslim would like better than for Islam to rule worldwide with the establishment of an Islamic caliphate.

Which is a nonsense, the common sense dictates that the majority of Muslims – in the UK and worldwide – just want to live peacefully and be left alone just like the rest of us. Having said that, I like to think I’m not foolish and recognise that there is a real threat from Muslim terrorists and that hate preachers do operate in some mosques attempting to recruit the likes of suicide bombers.

Similarly I object strongly to certain factions trying to establish Sharia law and can only agree with the more disagreeable elements of society who state that whoever lives in a certain region should adhere to the laws of that region.

But all this tosh about British lawkeepers, councils, schools and universities etc banning the Union Jack and English flag? 99.9% rubbish. There was a labour politician, a councillor I believe, who stated that anybody who flew the flag of St George was a racist and I can only say I think he was a complete pillock. The fool made that statement around seven years ago and the whingers regularly bring it up even now. I wonder if he realised how much harm he was doing when he said that?

You want to fly your English flag? Go ahead and fly it. If you have a British passport then fly your flag and feel proud. For myself, I care not for flags or nationalism but I can understand others wanting to show their colours.

Right, got that little rant of me chest, just ate a late lunch accompanied with a tin of Black Grape, when it goes down and I have fully digested my sustenance, I will partake of some alcoholic beverages which may be either Guinness, red wine or maybe even a dash of cognac, it is Sunday after all.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I’ve been jotting down some memories and am filing a few in a folder labelled ‘Snippets’ for those life episodes that don’t warrant full story status. Here’s one of them.

Winter, late ‘69/early ‘70, myself, Roy and two others, possibly Richard Martin and Chris Baines, were out and about SE London cruising in Roy’s Ford Corsair, as motors go, a bit of a beast with a full stage 3 race tuned engine, race shocks, lowered front and rear and wide wheels.

It’s snowing and we come across the roundabout at Beckenham where the cinema is. Roy decides to accelerate and drift sideways round the roundabout in the snow purely for the fun of it. On about the third sideways circuit of the roundabout a policeman appears as if from nowhere in front of us and holds up his hand in what looks like a request for us to stop.

We notice that his uniform denotes he is a special constable which basically means he’s an unpaid volunteer upholding the law after his regular day work for zero profit. Why do some people take on the role of special constable? A sense of power perhaps?

We don’t stop and then on the 4th revolution of the roundabout our young almost-a-policeman chum leaps out in front of us and ends up spreadeagled across the bonnet of the car grimly hanging on to each wing mirror with his feet dangling in front of the car’s radiator grill.

So we seem to have an additional passenger travelling on the car’s bonnet in the snow. Through the windscreen of the car is Mr Plods face, his nose flattened against the glass and his helmet all askew. We ascertain he doesn’t look likely to let go so Roy accelerates round the roundabout, drifting sideways, but the man in blue is tenacious and clings on grimly in his efforts to make us stop.

Our special constable is mouthing something, we can’t hear what he’s saying but I’d hazard a guess it’s something like ‘For ****’s sake stop’ and I expect he’s regretting his decision to become a bonnet straddling passenger in the rogue motor car.

Roy leaves the roundabout trajectory and speeds down one of the exit roads, brakes sharply and takes a left into a side road. Such is the G-Force of this manoeuvre that PC Special parts company with the motor, flies off the bonnet and we last see him rolling across the pavement.

I do hope he wasn’t hurt.


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Callous perhaps, but true.

Bear in mind I was a passenger, not driver, and we were all aged 18 or 19.

Life is strange.

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