Old n Young


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Sitting here playing The Damned’s Black Album and had a thought about what constitutes leanings towards feeling young and reminders that I am not young at all. So here's my list, feel free to join in if the fancy takes you

Things that let make me think I’m still young:

I like computer games a lot and spend far too much time playing them.
I like a lot of todays music, always looking for something fresh and new.
I don’t think my generation is any better than todays generation.
Kids and teens do not annoy me.
I still love going to live gigs.
Love visiting theme parks and going on all the rides.
I can still see, hear, feel, taste and walk unaided.
To the best of my knowledge I still have my marbles.
Splashing in puddles is fun.
Farts still make me laugh.
I still think train sets are cool
I’m still always late for everything.

Things that remind me I’m really rather old:

I hate graffitti.
I think Justin Bieber should be thrown down a really deep drain.
I can still remember 78 records and small black and white television sets.
My hair is bright white.
I need three different types of spectacles.
I’m eligible for a free flu jab.
I was there when all the records by The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who and The Kinks were released and mostly charted.
I think records released when I was aged 14 – 30 had better musicianship than most of todays offerings.
I can’t hear 16Khz test tones any more.
I’m a father to three grown-ups.
Realising the motor scooter I bought when I was 16 for £35 is now worth about £6K
Sometimes I ache. Everywhere.
I don’t want to go out every evening.
I have to take some pills every day or otherwise there’s a fair chance I might drop dead.
And I now notice the weather and the beauty of this earth, something I never did when I was a few years younger.
Jan 4, 2003
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"And I now notice the weather and the beauty of this earth, something I never did when I was a few years younger."

The one comment that brought a tear to my eye pal.

We have ruined this Earth. Now we must deal with the consequence's

We as a race are struggling to do so!!


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Nice idea for a thread, Flops. Makes me feel all nostalgic. :)

So here is my lot.

Things that make me feel old.....

I have two grandchildren aged 15 & 8

I remember the old 12 sided threepenny bit

I can't drink as much alcohol as I used to

If I'm not careful I get cold feet

I remember Smith's crisps with the blue bag of salt

I can't jump off walls without thinking of my knees

I have vague memories of the Queen's Coronation

I remember the Animals when they were called The Alan Price Combo

I remember Lady Chatterley being published

I remember very short miniskirts

I have a bus pass

Yes, I too enjoy nature much more now

Things that make me feel young.......

I simply do not feel the age I actually am

I can still do a 12 mile walk or a 25 mile bike ride

I can still read the paper without glasses (but need them for distance)

I take no medication whatsoever

I can do mental arithmetic as fast as my 15 year old grandson

I still have (most of) my own teeth

I still like learning new things

I'm sure there will be many more but I note that my "old" list is longer than my "young" list so I guess that officially makes me old. :D


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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another Old Bloke :)

I remember a hap'ney chew & penny bags of sweets.
The Cinema
I ain't got any teeth
I can't jump off walls, 'cos I walk with a stick
I love technology.
I can play computer games all day, and get paid for it
I hate technology.
After all these years, I go out with my fly undone.
I sometimes forget things
I too get a free flu jab
Free bus & train rides, always get a seat.
I'm never late for work
I can stay up late and have a lay-in
I get cheap haircuts
I can eat-out more often.

I don't have an old or young list, per say, but have to make lists to ......

growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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I don't feel old. I don't feel anything until noon. Then it's time for my nap.
- Bob Hope


Mar 25, 2003
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From all the people I know, one of the things that seems to keep people young is learning new things. I guess that makes sense - it keeps the grey matter firing etc. I bet playing computer games really helps in that regard, I'd be interested to know if there have been any studies done on this topic.

I think I'd be a very good retiree, I have lots of hobbies :D Only 34 years to go...


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
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Some Oldisms and Youngisms.......................

Another year older, another year wiser.............. is only a guide and doesn’t apply to everyone. - Anon

"The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom." - George Bernard Shaw

Don't worry about avoiding temptation. As you grow older, it will avoid you.
- Winston Churchill

I am not young enough to know everything. - Oscar Wilde

Youth is wasted on the young - George Bernard Shaw

He is old enough to know worse - Oscar Wilde

We could certainly slow the ageing process down if it had to work its way through Parliament. - Anon

In case you're worried about what's going to become of the younger generation, it's going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation. - Anon

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. - Mae West

I intend to live forever... So far, so good. - Anon

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18. - Albert Einstein


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