Can't access memory stick

Sep 27, 2010
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I've got a 64GB memory stick, no brand name, and I've been using it for over two years. It contains nearly 30 documentaries that I download from the net and watch via a media player connected to my TV. I was transferring another documantary onto it from my PC and eventually a message popped up saying "10 seconds remaining" with a blue band scrolling across it. Anyway, after nearly 10 minutes I thought this is not going to finish, so I clicked the cancel button on the message. It then said "Cancelling" with another blue band scrolling across. After nearly 10 minutes more, it was still cancelling, so I assumed that cancelling wasn't working so I pulled out the memory stick as it didn't respond to any key input and couldn't shut down the PC. Now when I boot up the PC then insert the memory stick, it is not recognised. If I boot up the PC with the memory stick already inserted it shows up as "Removable drive F" under My Computer, and when I click on it, the grey reading bar moves slowly across the top of the window, and when it finally reaches the end it just freezes. I have right clicked on the drive and selected Format, but nothing happens. Is this the end of the memory stick, or is there a program that would force formatting? Or would formatting not be the cure for the problem? Thanks.
It is likely beyond repair. Even if you salvage it, I wouldn't trust it. I hope you have it backed up.
What may have happened is that you exceeded the capacity of the drive and it went bonkers.
Thanks for reply.
I don't think it was capacity issues as I checked that before copy/pasting the video. There was 23GB free. Thought it could be the video but it played thru ok when I watched it on my PC. I suppose these things happen now and then with modern electronic devices.
Have you tried any of the Data Recovery systems - Recuva, Wise Data Recovery, Recoverit etc.

Sometimes they work (sometimes they don't).
Sorry taken so long. I tried recuva but it locked up at around 52%. So I rebooted the PC with the stick already inserted and went to My Computer and there it was. So I clicked on it and it opened and was able to open a folder and access a few files. I then went to the list of documentaries and clicked on one of them and it just locked up, got the "not responding" message so had to physically remove the stick to get back to working mode again. Think it's bin time. What a waste....