Camera/Scanner wizard not working


Edw. Peach

I apologize if I am unable to identify what I'm trying to describe
with the proper names. I am using Windows XP Pro.

When I insert a CD in my D-drive, or a zip drive into my F drive, or
attach one of my digital cameras to the USB cable, I get a box that
pops up, asking me what I want to do...That feature is no longer
working on my computer. (I did NOT selectthe option to take no
actions AND do this same action all the time.)

I'm trying to get photos downloaded to my HD from one of my cameras.
One works (and even accesses the MS wizard) and the other doesn't. I
download photos all the time and have never had any problems in the
past. I always use the MS wizard to d/l photos and not the software
that came with each camera, a Canon and a Fuji.
The Canon works fine and I did d/l photos from it since I've had these
problems. However, when I plug in the Fuji and turn it on, I get that
default sound effect, but no wizard pops up.

A screen used to pop open whenever I inserted a CD, or a zip disk in
my external zip drive, but that doesn't seem to be working now either.

How do I get the wizard to start up again with my other camera, a CD
or a zip drive?

I posted this in another group over six hours ago and have had no
response and thought I would try this group instead. I need to get
the pics downloaded as I need to take more photos tomorrow morning.

I can see the photos on the camera viewer, so I know they are there.
Could my memory card be malfunctioning? I've had it since late
December. However, as I noted, that wizard that asks me what actions
I want to take no longer pops open for a CD or zip disk.

What do I do?

Edw. Peach

PS - I tried switching the USB ports for my two cameras (I keep both
USB cables plugged in) and the camera wizard that works, does so from
both ports. I switched cables. I also tried installing the entire
software package that came with my Fuji, including a downloading
utility, and that it isn't finding my camera.

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