Word documents as Word Pad

  • Thread starter Thread starter Misterfleming
  • Start date Start date


My Word documents (from Word 2002) keep turning into Notebook or Word Pad
documents when I email them -- and they can't be opened on the other end. A
file will retitle itself from, for example. Hollywood Proposal.doc to
Hollywood_Proposal.doc. Any ideas?
My Word documents (from Word 2002) keep turning into Notebook or Word Pad
documents when I email them -- and they can't be opened on the other end. A
file will retitle itself from, for example. Hollywood Proposal.doc to
Hollywood_Proposal.doc. Any ideas?

The problem is in your email program, or possibly in your ISP's server, not in

Try zipping the document before attaching it to the email.
It is most unlikely that your documents have turned into anything other than
documents. They *may* have been corrupted in transit, but the likelihood is
that recipient is opening the attachments directly from the e-mail message
(always bad practice) and the file associations are wrongly configured.
Suggest to your coorespondent that either the message is saved to the hard
drive and opened from Word or
See how to re-register Word when problems crop up opening files
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/AppErrors/ReRegisterWord.htm and if that doesn't
fix it select a document in Windows Explorer, right click and choose Open

From the ensuing dialog select Word (winword.exe) and check the box to
always open with this application.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site www.gmayor.com

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