windows xp laptop not seeing dsl modem...says unplugged



Hi, I have a HP laptop with windows xp. When I plug in my dsl modem using the
ethernet cable my laptop doesnt see it at all. Under network connections it
keeps saying: Local area connection 2: cable unplugged. But it isn't and it's
driving me nuts. any help will be appreciated...thanks!

Robert L [MS-MVP]

it could be a hardware issue. this page may help,

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Hi, I have a HP laptop with windows xp. When I plug in my dsl modem using the
ethernet cable my laptop doesnt see it at all. Under network connections it
keeps saying: Local area connection 2: cable unplugged. But it isn't and it's
driving me nuts. any help will be appreciated...thanks!

DLink Guru

Also make sure you are using a straight through cable. Even if it works on
another computer it does not mean anything, the other computer might beable
to autosense cable type while your laptop might not be able to....


I am having the exact problem. It started 3/7. I also have a laptop with
windows XP. The cable co. has checked all my connections, I have purchased
a new ethernet cable. I was told by my IP that it was a microsoft software
problem and I spent and hour and a half on the phone with a microsoft
technician who could not solve the problem and still have no internet.

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