Windows Startup Freezes



Please help me out with my winXP bootup problem

I've always had a trouble-free system but just recently i've been having
this weired problem to which i couldn't find any solution no matter what i try

here how it goes:

I started my computer, POST went on fine, Windows XP Professional Logo
appeared, but just as I would expect to see a mouse pointer and a desktop, i
got a black screen and the computer hanged (busy light did not flash as it
would normally when windows loads up processes...)

i restarted and choosed the "last good known configuration" but still it
didn't help.
i did the selective startup, the basic services but nothing worked .

i did a system restore and then a repair install but none of them worked.
winXP runs ok for once only but if i restart i get the same blank screen.

finally i formatted my computer thinking it would solve the problem if i
install a fresh copy .. but i stil haven't been able to do a successful boot
up ..

right now im using my computer after re-formatting it about 19 hours ago but
i know if i restart, i'll get the blank screen again ..

Please, can someone tell me what should i do ..
im not very much good with computers so i dont know whatelse should i try

please ..

just in case you were wondering, im using SP2 and i dont have viruses or
thing like that .. i haven't installed any unusual softwares and no new
hardwares ..
and i used the same installation disk many times before and it worked
perfectly ..
i just can't understand why this is happening ..



Since no one help you yet, I will ask a couple of questions to better
understand your problem.

After the first reboot, if you reboot again windows would hang after showing
the XP logo and the progress bar?

Can you boot windows in safe mode?

If you can boot windows in safe mode it's most likely a driver problem.

Did you use an original Windows XP disk or one bundled by your PC builder
(hp, dell, etc...)?


"Lillymon" a écrit :


Had you reinstalled XP or tried to download any windows updates within 30
days prior to the problem occuring? If so, may be your installation needs to
be activated again? Or maybe the compulsory installation of the Microsoft
Legitimate Advantage Tool found that your copy was not the genuine article
and somehow disabled it? I don't know - anything is possible!

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