Windows Picture and Fax Viewer - very slow



Hi all, I was looking through my collection of pictures when Windows Picture and Fax Viewer suddenly became VERY SLOW TO LOAD. It happens anytime I try to open a picture. Explorer stops responding nothing is using the processor. About 30 seconds later, it kicks back in and I can zoom through my pictures at my normal breakneck speed. If I close it and reopen it, it still takes that non-responsive 30 seconds, on the SAME FILE

My Machine

Athlon XP 2100
512 MB DDR210
Nvidia Geforce4 4600 T
120GB (40GB free) NTF

Absloutely nothing but Windows XP and crucial services running

I have defragmented my hard drive, but that didn't do anything for me

Any suggestions? Thank




Hi all, I was looking through my collection of pictures when Windows Picture and Fax Viewer suddenly became VERY SLOW TO LOAD. It happens anytime I try to open a picture. Explorer stops responding nothing is using the processor. About 30 seconds later, it kicks back in and I can zoom through my pictures at my normal breakneck speed. If I close it and reopen it, it still takes that non-responsive 30 seconds, on the SAME FILE.

My Machine:

Athlon XP 2100+
512 MB DDR2100
Nvidia Geforce4 4600 Ti
120GB (40GB free) NTFS

Absloutely nothing but Windows XP and crucial services running.

I have defragmented my hard drive, but that didn't do anything for me.

Any suggestions? Thanks


Do you have Photoshop and is it checked to show thumbnails?



Thanks for a response!

roger said:

Do you have Photoshop and is it checked to show thumbnails?


I have Photohop, but Thumbnails are not enabled. Also, the wait is occuring in almost any Microsoft application, like Windows Media Player 9 and anywhere in Explorer.

I think I may have to do an err . . HARD reboot and then a reinstall Windows. I hope not.

-Dale Trantham




I have Photohop, but Thumbnails are not enabled. Also, the wait is occuring in almost any Microsoft application, like Windows Media Player 9 and anywhere in Explorer.

I think I may have to do an err . . HARD reboot and then a reinstall Windows. I hope not.

-Dale Trantham

Does this happen with all folders or with a specific one?

If it happens on one, make hidden and system files visible (Windows
Explorer > Tools > Folder options > view tab)

Locate and delete the thumbs.db file, it is a database that holds the
information for the thumbnails, it might be faulty and taking a long
time to load. This file, being a system file, will be recreated the
next time you open that folder.

Another thing to consider is going to IE > Tools > Internet options >
Advanced options and disable third-party browser extensions.

There might be a browser helper object that is interfering with the
correct functioning of the system.



Hi again

----- roger wrote: -----



Does this happen with all folders or with a specific one?

If it happens on one, make hidden and system files visible (Windows
Explorer > Tools > Folder options > view tab)

Locate and delete the thumbs.db file, it is a database that holds the
information for the thumbnails, it might be faulty and taking a long
time to load. This file, being a system file, will be recreated the
next time you open that folder.

Another thing to consider is going to IE > Tools > Internet options >
Advanced options and disable third-party browser extensions.

There might be a browser helper object that is interfering with the
correct functioning of the system.



This happens with all folders. I'll try deleting all the thumbs.db files in my computer. Browser extensions . . I truly hate those, but I wouldn't have thought to check for them. They aren't enabled. . .

.. 2 minutes later

I deleted the thumbs.db files (every single one of them on my hard disks). The speed has increased, but it doesn't seem as fast as it was before I had the trouble.

Anyway, thank you so much! Every little boost is great. You've been a wonderful help.

-Dale Trantham


Hi Dale,

On Wed, 9 Jun 2004 14:06:02 -0700, "Dale Trantham"


This happens with all folders. I'll try deleting all the thumbs.db files in my computer. Browser extensions . . I truly hate those, but I wouldn't have thought to check for them. They aren't enabled. . .

. 2 minutes later

I deleted the thumbs.db files (every single one of them on my hard disks). The speed has increased, but it doesn't seem as fast as it was before I had the trouble.

Anyway, thank you so much! Every little boost is great. You've been a wonderful help.

-Dale Trantham

You're very welcome, Dale :)
Glad it has helped a little.

You could try going to Start > Run > msconfig
startup tab
disabling all items, rebooting and checking speed.
If the speed is OK, then enable items one at a time until you find
which program is delaying things.

I think there might be a process somewhere which is interfering with
the computer rendering the photos.

310353 How to Perform a Clean Boot in Windows XP

316434 HOW TO: Perform Advanced Clean-Boot Troubleshooting in Windows

310560 How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

Hope this helps

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