windows mail vista home prem. error sending



Barbara said:
New to Vista, recently bought a new computer with Vista and it's ok
however I have been trying to use Windows Mail and get the following error

Account: '(e-mail address removed)', Server: '',
Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19
I have been able to receive email from Verizon intermittently using
windows mail but can send email. I have turned the firewall off and I
have Norton Antivirus so I tried turning of the email incoming and
outgoing filter. Still have the same problem. This is driving me nuts. I
am using Windows Mail to read this group!!

Any help would be appreciated

Check if your setup for the Verizon account under Windows Mail is

Most versions of the Norton antivirus software eventually cause problems
in Windows Mail. So do most versions of the McAfee antivirus software
and a recent version of the Trend antivirus software. For these programs,
just turning off part or all of the program is seldom enough; you usually
to uninstall it instead. For Norton, you often then have to run this
program to take care of what the uninstall left behind:


You may even have to remove your mail account under Windows Mail,
then restart Windows Mail and add the account again.

If this cures your problem, you may want a replacement antivirus
program that doesn't cause such problems. I recommend either avast!
or AVG, either one with a custom install where you tell it to leave out
the part that scans email.

This group is a newsgroup, and Windows Mail is both an email program and a
newsreader which can read newsgroups.

Lisa A Litsch

The trend micro has been turned off for email scanning for a while.
I have tried removing verizon account and re-installing after closing WLM.
The first test went through which was just a one word email. The second
test, in which I attached a document, did not go through. I am resolved to
sending only from MSN until I rebuild my old computer and re-install XP. I
do like the WLM though, having both email accounts in one place rocks.
Here is the error I got:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of

Subject 'testing an attachment'
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No

Gary VanderMolen

As Bob suggests, uninstall Trend Micro, reboot, then try
sending again.
The error message still indicates antivirus interference.

Lisa A Litsch

I would rather not un-install and re-boot. I cannot re-boot effectively. I
have not been able to since June of last year. It freezes up. Most of the
time I unplug the PC for a little while and that seems to work. But I am
sick of doing this and HP only sent me the recovery disks. short, I
will live with what I have until I get the old computer rebuilt and run on XP.
Thanks for all of your help.
If I do decide to continue to use Vista, what virus protection can I use
that will not interfere? I am not using any PC without protection.


He meant uninstall Trend Micro, not all of Vista, but then reboot Vista.

Have you installed the HP updates for your PC?

It's not a good idea to have more than one antivirus program installed
at a time.

For a replacement antivirus program that doesn't cause problems in
Windows Mail, I recommend either avast! or AVG, either one with
a custom install that tells it to leave out the part that scans email.

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