Windows failed while I was working on a huge spreadsheet in outlo.



Where are the excel temp (ie unsaved data) files kept? I was working on a
huge spreadsheet and windows failed before I saved. HELP, I'm desperate!!!

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Nancy,
Where are the excel temp (ie unsaved data) files kept? I was working on a
huge spreadsheet and windows failed before I saved.

I am sorry to say there are none, unless you are using Excel XP or higher and
have switched the Autorecovery feature on. Even then, it still might have
removed it's files. You can find out where they should be on the save tab of
the Tools, options dialog (Excel XP and above).

To prevent loss of data in future, either switch on Autorecovery, or download
my free Autosafe add-in from:


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP

Bill Manville

Unsaved files exist only in RAM - so I fear you have lost the result of
your work. If it's any consolation it will take you less time to re-do
it in my experience.

Moral: save more frequently.
Trouble is that crashes are sufficiently rare that one becomes too
confident and doesn't take precautions. I have been there. Too often!

Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England

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