vista mail problem



I too am having the mail problem. Can receive, but can't send. Messages
just sit in the Outbox. Have contacted my dsl provider AT&T, looked at all
possible connectivity problems, they say the problem resides with microsoft.
Anyone have any luck fixing?


Gene Martinez
Im sure BJ your problem lies in your settings with your in-come settings
that is. I had my provider help me and we got it right. Call provider again
and get different person. Its the incoming settings, bet on it.


BJ said:
I too am having the mail problem. Can receive, but can't send. Messages
just sit in the Outbox. Have contacted my dsl provider AT&T, looked at
possible connectivity problems, they say the problem resides with
Anyone have any luck fixing?

Have you checked against AT&T's instructions for setting up to use their
email servers? Such intructions are often written by someone better than
people who answer the phone for problems.

Also, can you move the oldest message in your Outbox to the Drafts
folder, or delete it? If neither works, download and install this fix,
with Windows Mail not running:

Although it's labelled as for messages stuck in the Outbox, it also works in
other folders. If you don't know whether to use the 32-bit version or the
64-bit version, try the 32-bit version first. Certain common antivirus
programs, such as most of those from Norton or McAfee, or a recent one
from Trend, tend to cause such problems, although seldom immediately,
so if you have such a program, remember where to find the fix - you are
likely to need it again.


You're a genius! It worked, thanks!

Have you checked against AT&T's instructions for setting up to use their
email servers? Such intructions are often written by someone better than
people who answer the phone for problems.

Also, can you move the oldest message in your Outbox to the Drafts
folder, or delete it? If neither works, download and install this fix,
with Windows Mail not running:

Although it's labelled as for messages stuck in the Outbox, it also works in
other folders. If you don't know whether to use the 32-bit version or the
64-bit version, try the 32-bit version first. Certain common antivirus
programs, such as most of those from Norton or McAfee, or a recent one
from Trend, tend to cause such problems, although seldom immediately,
so if you have such a program, remember where to find the fix - you are
likely to need it again.


my problem is similar but has a slight twist. At home I use a wireless
connection. I can download my windows mail and view web pages and access my
network, but, I cannot send through windows mail. I can send through webmail

At work I connect with an ethernet cable. When I open Windows mail
everything in my outbox gets sent, no problem.

I have been using windows mail for several months and all of the sudden this
happened. I installed Adobe Flash. The creation program. Not the reader. This
is all that has occured.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Reginald White Oxford member

Sirr internet explorer won,t let me open my mail. The e-mail comes up
normaly and I can delete any line but when I try to open to read a mail I
immediatly get a box stating that internet has stopped working and it will
try to reconnect. It goes through the reconnecting process but when I try
again to opên the mail the same thing happens. From (e-mail address removed)

Gary VanderMolen

Do you get an error message when you try to send? If so,
right-click on your error message, copy, then paste it into a reply here.
We can't do much troubleshooting without the complete error message.

Gary VanderMolen

This newsgroup is dedicated to the Windows Mail email program.
Sorry, reading webmail with your browser is not covered here.
Ask your mail service provider for help, or check with the Internet
Explorer forums.


Sorry, yes I do get a message.

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'test', Account: 'the.hfo',
Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket
Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

To reiterate:
wireless - no
wire - yes
installed flash

Also, when I installed flash my computer crashed. I eventually got it
installed but am having trouble registering.



well the confusing thing is that port 25 has worked fine for about 10 months
so far up until two weeks ago. And it also seems to work fine when I am
connected at work. Just does not work at home.

Gary VanderMolen

Although unpublished port settings may sometimes work, it is always best
to go with the settings specified by the mail provider.

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