Unable to run any .MSC files


Birk Binnard

When I try to run services.msc or Manage from My Computer I get the
error message "Windows cannot open the file....." and the name of the
MSC file I tried to run. I checked the Knowledge Base but could not
find anything describing this specific problem.

What can be causing this problem? My system seems to run fine. But
what's wrong? And how to fix it?

David Trimboli

Birk said:
When I try to run services.msc or Manage from My Computer I get the
error message "Windows cannot open the file....." and the name of the
MSC file I tried to run. I checked the Knowledge Base but could not
find anything describing this specific problem.

What can be causing this problem? My system seems to run fine. But
what's wrong? And how to fix it?

Is %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 in the system path? Can you add the snap-in to
an MMC console? Have file permissions been changed in your Windows
folder? Are you using an administrative account? Just some thoughts to
get you started; I don't know what the problem is.

Stardate 7958.6

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