turn off computer disappears after applying sasser patch...help!



I have tablet PC running Windows XP for tablet...

1. I could not run Windows update: said my computer's date
and time were wrong even though they were correct.

2. Since tablet kept wanting to shutdown, ran
'shutdown.exe -a' from command line (per MS sasser help

2. Went directly to the Windows XP security download:


3. Installed the above file

4. Now I can't restart my tablet: the 'turn off computer'
button has completely disappeared.

5. Help!!


----- sweet_dreams wrote: ----

I have tablet PC running Windows XP for tablet..

1. I could not run Windows update: said my computer's date
and time were wrong even though they were correct

2. Since tablet kept wanting to shutdown, ra
'shutdown.exe -a' from command line (per MS sasser help

2. Went directly to the Windows XP security download


3. Installed the above fil

4. Now I can't restart my tablet: the 'turn off computer'
button has completely disappeared

5. Help!

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