Too many fonts!



When I launch Works Database, an alert window pops up and says, there are
more than 500 fonts in the system. Reduce the number of fonts or the display
may be incorrect.
How can I safely remove some of the fonts?
Thank you,

Tim Slattery

Leighton said:
When I launch Works Database, an alert window pops up and says, there are
more than 500 fonts in the system. Reduce the number of fonts or the display
may be incorrect.
How can I safely remove some of the fonts?

Control Panel|Fonts. Select the font you want to delete, right-click
it and choose "Delete".


Tim Slattery said:
Control Panel|Fonts. Select the font you want to delete, right-click
it and choose "Delete".
I have read in Windows XP for Dummies, that you have to be careful which
fonts to delete. I have also read in other posts, that having a lot of fonts
does not affect the overall performance of one's computer. So if these things
are true, I'll leave well enough alone. If someone thinks differently please
let me know. Thanks,

Don MI

Leighton said:
I have read in Windows XP for Dummies, that you have to be careful which
fonts to delete. I have also read in other posts, that having a lot of
does not affect the overall performance of one's computer. So if these
are true, I'll leave well enough alone. If someone thinks differently
let me know. Thanks,

IMO, you should ignore the message. While Works is compatible with Windows
XP, it is designed for Windows 9.X/ME. What you are seeing is a error
message related to the limitations of those versions of Windows.

"Reduce the number of fonts or the display may be incorrect." Are you
having any problems with the display of Works on Windows XP? General rule:
If it is not broke, do not fix it.



It is true that you have to be careful deleting fonts from your computer as
you can change the way the various programs display data on the screen.

To reduce the number of fonts in the Windows/Fonts folder I copy all the
fonts from that folder to another one as a backup. Create a Backupfonts
folder somewhere on a hard drive. Start Windows Explorer and navigate to
C:\Windows\Fonts (you have to have the view hidden files turned on and you
should also have show extension for know file type turned on) Single click
on any font in the folder and then press the Ctrl key down and hold it while
you tap the A key once. After a while all the fonts will be selected
(Change to blue background). Press the Ctrl key while pressing the C key.
This will copy all files to the clipboard. Navigate to the Backupfonts
folder and press the Ctrl key and the V key. This will cause all the fonts
to be copied to the Backupfonts folder.

Once that is done you can safely delete some fonts from the fonts folder in
Windows. If a problem develops you can reinstall the font.

Don't delete the following groups of fonts however as they are needed by
Windows to function properly. All fonts with a FON extension as these are
always system fonts. The additional fonts not to delete are: Arial, Book
Antiqua, Century gothic, Courier, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet,
Univers, Verdana, and Wingdings

You can go to
to see the list of fonts supplied with XP

Tim Slattery

Leighton said:
I have read in Windows XP for Dummies, that you have to be careful which
fonts to delete. I have also read in other posts, that having a lot of fonts
does not affect the overall performance of one's computer. So if these things
are true, I'll leave well enough alone. If someone thinks differently please
let me know. Thanks,

Both statements are true. But it seems from the message you quoted
that Works Database can't handle as many fonts as the XP operating
system can. To get rid of message, I'd guess that you can do one of
two things: get rid of Works database or get rid of some fonts. If you
can live with the message, then by all means leave the fonts alone.

Sharon F

When I launch Works Database, an alert window pops up and says, there are
more than 500 fonts in the system. Reduce the number of fonts or the display
may be incorrect.
How can I safely remove some of the fonts?
Thank you,

Haven't used Works in quite a while so am no longer familiar with the
available settings. However... Works may have settings that determine how
the font names are displayed in the font dropdown list: using a single font
style to show names or a double duty settings (each font name displayed as
sample text).

The message may be telling you that Works cannot reliably create samples of
more than 500 fonts. It may be able to list more than 500 if the font names
aren't stylized.

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