The server "" timed out...




FP2002 was updating fine to the server and then all of a sudden I started

The server "" timed out. The current request did not complete successfully.

I've tried reading the KB articles but have found none that address or help
this problem. The host suggest resetting the server extensions (available
through a web page on their site) which I've done but again no success.

I can publish individual pages one by one but a general "publish" command
causes this time out.

Any ideas or pointers...?


Stefan B Rusynko

Sounds like your host tightened their connection timeout or permissions
- also are you running any firewalls / proxies


| Hi,
| FP2002 was updating fine to the server and then all of a sudden I started
| getting:
| The server "" timed out. The current request did not complete successfully.
| I've tried reading the KB articles but have found none that address or help
| this problem. The host suggest resetting the server extensions (available
| through a web page on their site) which I've done but again no success.
| I can publish individual pages one by one but a general "publish" command
| causes this time out.
| Any ideas or pointers...?
| Thanks


Just standard XP firewall and the firewall setup hasn't changed between
working and non-working.

I checked with the host and they state that:
"Since you are using frontpage themes, the frontpage program needs to create
multiple programming files ( vti ) to allow these themes to display. It
creates the files while it publishes.
The extra timing it takes front page to create the programming can cause the
server to easily time out. We recommend that you publish your site locally
(eg .to your desktop or C:\ drive) and then publish those files to our
servers using an ftp program. Once you have the files transferred to our
servers, you can reconnect to your site live with front page and reapply any

I've tried all that and it hasn't helped the situation. Now they suggest:

"...we ask that you once again reset your frontpage extensions as outlined
in a previous e-mail. Then, we recommend that you try connecting live to
your account using frontpage."

Which just means that I'll be editing the web directly on their server and
not locally which is obviously not what I want.

They keep on telling me to "reset my frontpage extensions" which I do but
that doesn't seem to make any difference...



"We recommend that you publish your site locally
(eg .to your desktop or C:\ drive) and then publish those files to our
servers using an ftp program."

If you are doing what they recommend're breaking the extensions by using an FTP program.

Try resetting the extensions by whatever inst. they provided you, then try to Publish via the http:// method.

Are y ou trying to publish any really large files?

| Just standard XP firewall and the firewall setup hasn't changed between
| working and non-working.
| I checked with the host and they state that:
| "Since you are using frontpage themes, the frontpage program needs to create
| multiple programming files ( vti ) to allow these themes to display. It
| creates the files while it publishes.
| The extra timing it takes front page to create the programming can cause the
| server to easily time out. We recommend that you publish your site locally
| (eg .to your desktop or C:\ drive) and then publish those files to our
| servers using an ftp program. Once you have the files transferred to our
| servers, you can reconnect to your site live with front page and reapply any
| components."
| I've tried all that and it hasn't helped the situation. Now they suggest:
| "...we ask that you once again reset your frontpage extensions as outlined
| in a previous e-mail. Then, we recommend that you try connecting live to
| your account using frontpage."
| Which just means that I'll be editing the web directly on their server and
| not locally which is obviously not what I want.
| They keep on telling me to "reset my frontpage extensions" which I do but
| that doesn't seem to make any difference...
| Thanks
| | > Sounds like your host tightened their connection timeout or permissions
| > - also are you running any firewalls / proxies
| >


Hi Rob,

I really don't like their idea of publishing locally and then FTPing it
across. I've tried it and I think that's why it's now in this state - so I
agree with you there.

I've tried resetting the extensions using their method and then publishing
again using http but still no luck.

Largest file is 500k. Do you think that this could be a problem? What sort
of file sizes cause problems?

If I right click and ask for properties on this web using explorer it tells
me that the entire web is 40Mb in size (5000 files). Problem here?


"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message "We recommend that you publish your site locally
(eg .to your desktop or C:\ drive) and then publish those files to our
servers using an ftp program."

If you are doing what they recommend're breaking the extensions
by using an FTP program.

Try resetting the extensions by whatever inst. they provided you, then try
to Publish via the http:// method.

Are y ou trying to publish any really large files?


A 500K file does not usually cause problems, though 1MB does with some
systems (known bug).

5000 files may be the problem, though about half of these are FP extensions'
files containing meta data. If the host supports subwebs, create a subweb
or two, and divide the web files between the root web and the subwebs;
publish each subweb separately.
If you use subwebs, do not forget that each subweb is a unique website, with
its own navigation, themes, include files, shared borders, and these
components cannot be shared between the webs.


Interesting point you've just made. It used to be 1 main web sites with 2
fairly small sub webs. I will try and reduce the number of files and perhaps
archive some of the older stuff on the site and see if that works...


Steve H

I've successfully published my site to my hard drive--and
it contains over 300mb of files!


I have no idea what the problem is now. My host ( also provide
free web space and i've loaded parts of my site into the free areas and it
works much better there (though it has banner ads from the host) than on my
paid for area.

The support keep on coming back to me with boiler plate answers that they
lift from the knowledge base so i've seen the same (non working) solution
about 20 times now. Perhaps it's time to move to a new host... Any

I'm currently paying $5/month and need FrontPage extensions.

I've successfully published my site to my hard drive--and
it contains over 300mb of files!


Thanks. I'll look at it when this contract is up in a couple of months...

I had to finally delete the entire site and reload it to get it to work


I have the same problem, "The server connection timed out" message, randomly
appearing when saving files with File, Save or Ctrl S, or using "File, Save
This can be a real pain and has happened 20 or more times this morning. I
can usually just repeat the command and it works, but with File, Save As, the
Save As window opens, I type in a name and clice save and get the error
message and have to start over; just getting real annoying. This has been
happening for several years (since I first started using FP extensions); it
is just much more annoying when I'm doing a big web job as now.

-I've had the Frontpage extensions re-loaded on my account
-I've got a fast connection
-My file sizes are smaller than 1 MB, often 200K or less
-I am doing a lot of pages with a single picture though (totalling less than
-I usually copy the pictures up to the server with Windows Explorer , but
have used FTP in the past, no difference, but it also happens with pages with
no picture.
-Don't use FP to load or manage the site, just as an editor for single pages
-Has happened with Frontpage 2002 and 2003 (and the earlier version)
-Currently using Windows XP Pro SP2, but it also happened with SP1 and Win
98 SE
-Have the latest version of IE (as mentioned in an MS tech doc)
-probably have quite a few files up there, it's a university web site, no
chance of moving it somewhere else; the folder I'm currently working in has
275 files
-I've poked around at configuration settings, but don't see anything obvious

Can't find anything else in the MS KB.
Guy in charge of the web server FP extensions doesn't know what's causing it.

Is Somebody at Microsoft Listening???
This is a real pain!

(e-mail address removed)



Well I just spent about 20 minutes writing a long response to this, because I
also get this "The Server Connection Timed Out" message with the last three
versions of Frontpage (up to 2003).

Unfortunately when I posted it, I got an Error Message from the Microsoft
support site that my message wasn't received and I should try again later.
Unfortunately my message disappeared along with this error message, so I will
have to start again, this time will be much shorter. Perhaps erasing my
message was a form of MS quality control.

So more briefly:
Nothing in these posts or in the MS KB applies to my problem which is the
random "the server timed out" message with appears immediately after trying
to save a page with FP, using either Ctrl S or "File, Save" or "File, Save
As"; in the last instance the save as window appears I type in the file name
then press enter or save, the error message appears as the window goes away
and I have to start over. This morning I've gotten this more than 20 times. I
can usually just repeat the command and it works, but this has been an
annoying morning.

I have:
FP 2003 (also happened with the previous two versions)
with a fast connection
with XP SP2 (also happened with SP1 and win 98 SE)
with newly reloaded FP Extensions on the server
on a university server (so I can't change)
with file sizes smaller than 1 MB
Current directory I'm working in has 275 files.

Anyone at Micrsoft Listening?
This really is a pain!
Please Help!

Ron N at IU


Well I just spent about 20 minutes writing a long response to this, because I
also get this "The Server Connection Timed Out" message with the last three
versions of Frontpage (up to 2003).

Unfortunately when I posted it, I got an Error Message from the Microsoft
support site that my message wasn't received and I should try again later.
Unfortunately my message disappeared along with this error message, so I will
have to start again, this time will be much shorter. Perhaps erasing my
message was a form of MS quality control.

So more briefly:
Nothing in these posts or in the MS KB applies to my problem which is the
random "the server timed out" message with appears immediately after trying
to save a page with FP, using either Ctrl S or "File, Save" or "File, Save
As"; in the last instance the save as window appears I type in the file name
then press enter or save, the error message appears as the window goes away
and I have to start over. This morning I've gotten this more than 20 times. I
can usually just repeat the command and it works, but this has been an
annoying morning.

I have:
FP 2003 (also happened with the previous two versions)
with a fast connection
with XP SP2 (also happened with SP1 and win 98 SE)
with newly reloaded FP Extensions on the server
on a university server (so I can't change)
with file sizes smaller than 1 MB
Current directory I'm working in has 275 files.

Anyone at Micrsoft Listening?
This really is a pain!
Please Help!

Ron N at IU


Well, it appears the MS support site was just toying with me when it said my
"message wasn't received, try later," because they're all here; sorry about
the extras.

Ron N at IU

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