--Server: Citrix Metaframe XP FR3 installed, with Win 2k, SP4, and Microsoft Terminal Services.
--Workstations: UNIX Solaris/SPARC, as well as Windows 2000 Professional systems.
Users are not able to cut and paste graphics or text from their workstations (UNIX SPARC , as well as Windows 2000 systems) to applications accessed via the ICA client on the Citrix box, or vice versa. Any ideas on this?
1) On the Citrix Server, when I go to Start-Programs-Citrix-Metaframe XP- Citrix Connection Configuration. I see ica-tcp (version is "Citrix ICA 3.0") and rdp-tcp (version is "Microsoft RDP 5.0"). Right clicking on either, and then going to EDIT, and then client settings, nothing is checked in "Client Mapping Overrides".
2) When I use Terminal Services from my client machine (Windows 2000 professional) to go directly to the Citrix Server, I am able to cut and paste from the Citrix Server to my workstation or vice versa, but if I go through the Citrix ICA client, I am unable to do so.
3)Users are using the latest ICA client. 7.0 for Intel systems and 7.02 for UNIX Solaris/SPARC workstations.
--One article of interest is a Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 244732: HOW TO: Install the File Copy Tool Included with the Windows 2000 Resource Kit" at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=244732
Only problem with the article is that the files also have to be installed on the "client" workstations. The article discusses install of the files on Intel systems, but not UNIX workstations.
I have gone to the Citrix Website and spent several hours looking up information, but to no avail. It seems quite a few people have the problem, but no one knows the answers. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks..
--Server: Citrix Metaframe XP FR3 installed, with Win 2k, SP4, and Microsoft Terminal Services.
--Workstations: UNIX Solaris/SPARC, as well as Windows 2000 Professional systems.
Users are not able to cut and paste graphics or text from their workstations (UNIX SPARC , as well as Windows 2000 systems) to applications accessed via the ICA client on the Citrix box, or vice versa. Any ideas on this?
1) On the Citrix Server, when I go to Start-Programs-Citrix-Metaframe XP- Citrix Connection Configuration. I see ica-tcp (version is "Citrix ICA 3.0") and rdp-tcp (version is "Microsoft RDP 5.0"). Right clicking on either, and then going to EDIT, and then client settings, nothing is checked in "Client Mapping Overrides".
2) When I use Terminal Services from my client machine (Windows 2000 professional) to go directly to the Citrix Server, I am able to cut and paste from the Citrix Server to my workstation or vice versa, but if I go through the Citrix ICA client, I am unable to do so.
3)Users are using the latest ICA client. 7.0 for Intel systems and 7.02 for UNIX Solaris/SPARC workstations.
--One article of interest is a Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 244732: HOW TO: Install the File Copy Tool Included with the Windows 2000 Resource Kit" at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=244732
Only problem with the article is that the files also have to be installed on the "client" workstations. The article discusses install of the files on Intel systems, but not UNIX workstations.
I have gone to the Citrix Website and spent several hours looking up information, but to no avail. It seems quite a few people have the problem, but no one knows the answers. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks..