stuck in the middle - hub not giving domain




I put 4 pcs on a dlink ethernet hub/switch

it's been working great, everyone could get on the net
everyone could share files etc.

that was before I installed motorolla cable modem (mcm)

i WAS using a westell dsl modem (that's when everything was fine)

what am I missing..?

who is handing out the ips and subnet and gateway?

you think the westell dsl modem was doing that before before?
but now the mcm only hands out one ip?

the other pc's seem to be giving themselves a name (this is no good

maybe I can access the mcm through http and make it a dhcp as well?

would like to have all the pcs on the net


many thanks for any ideas



so im reading up on my dlink hub/switch

I thought a hub was a swith was a router was a hub you know, all the

DLINK Q and A says...

Q - Why can´t I share my Internet connection to multiple computers
when using my D-Link switch or hub?

A - If you are connecting directly to a Cable or DSL modem, you will
need a router to share your Internet connection or a computer using ICS
(Internet Connection Sharing) or Proxy. Switches and hubs do not allow
you to share a single IP address to multiple computers.

WHAT? I need a router now

but it was working before with the westell dsl modem

I've been robbed



I put 4 pcs on a dlink ethernet hub/switch

it's been working great, everyone could get on the net
everyone could share files etc.

that was before I installed motorolla cable modem (mcm)

i WAS using a westell dsl modem (that's when everything was fine)

what am I missing..?

who is handing out the ips and subnet and gateway?

you think the westell dsl modem was doing that before before?
but now the mcm only hands out one ip?

the other pc's seem to be giving themselves a name (this is no good

maybe I can access the mcm through http and make it a dhcp as well?

would like to have all the pcs on the net


many thanks for any ideas

Most cable companies allow one IP Address to connect to their network. So
connecting a switch to the cable modem only allows the first computer to be
connected to get a public IP ddress. Connecting additional computers to the
switch won't work since the one IP Address has already been assigned.

You need to replace the switch with a NAT router in order to get all your
computers connected to the Internet at the same time.



hate to be tedious here

here's my current config

motorolla cable modem
dlink switch
4 pcs to the switch

in that order




so im reading up on my dlink hub/switch

I thought a hub was a swith was a router was a hub you know, all the

DLINK Q and A says...

Q - Why can´t I share my Internet connection to multiple computers
when using my D-Link switch or hub?

A - If you are connecting directly to a Cable or DSL modem, you will
need a router to share your Internet connection or a computer using ICS
(Internet Connection Sharing) or Proxy. Switches and hubs do not allow
you to share a single IP address to multiple computers.

WHAT? I need a router now

but it was working before with the westell dsl modem

I've been robbed

Hubs, Switches, and Routers are different from each other in terms of
capabilities and functions.



hate to be tedious here

here's my current config

motorolla cable modem
dlink switch
4 pcs to the switch

in that order


You need this configuration...
cable modem > router > computers

Doug Sherman [MVP]

Best quess: The westell device was actually an integrated modem/router; the
motorola device is a modem only. You need a router or 4 public IP addresses
to make this work.

Doug Sherman


i still have the westell dsl modem
i wonder if I can work it back into the mix make use of it's nat
don't ask me how :)

what is.. I need a screwdriver for $200.00?

bzzzzt! aaaaawwwww


Cable modems may or may not function as a router. Most cable modems do not.
Most DSL modems do. You need a router behind it.



so im reading up on my dlink hub/switch

I thought a hub was a swith was a router was a hub you know, all the

DLINK Q and A says...

Q - Why can´t I share my Internet connection to multiple computers
when using my D-Link switch or hub?

A - If you are connecting directly to a Cable or DSL modem, you will
need a router to share your Internet connection or a computer using ICS
(Internet Connection Sharing) or Proxy. Switches and hubs do not allow
you to share a single IP address to multiple computers.

WHAT? I need a router now

but it was working before with the westell dsl modem

I've been robbed


Doug said:
Best quess: The westell device was actually an integrated modem/router; the
motorola device is a modem only. You need a router or 4 public IP addresses
to make this work.

wanted to thank yous again for the suggestions

as it turns out, I can only read one page at a time

* : *

in the meantime to resolve my short term need I just went and got the
HD from the remote (other room) machine, and put it in this machine

in the long term, ill come back and bug ya some more, although Im sure
I need a router, I have learned that a switch is not a router

now I see a switch as a one channel director (fast) only capable of
letting one stream through at the time (maybe Im wrong)

I appreciate yous inputs greatly!

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