Strange File Save behavior


Paul B

I'm consistently seeing some curious behavior when I go to Save
new documents.

First, I'll Save the document with absolutely no hiccups.

Then, on the next Save operation, I will get a notice that there
are errors in the file. Do I want to see the repairs or just
save, or cancel. If I select See the repairs, nothing shows, so I
just Save.

Thereafter, Saving the file occurs without incident.

So, I think there is an error in my template, but it's
minor enough that it doesn't show. Since I've redone much of the
template, and exported elements out to auxiliary templates to
lighten the load on, I don't think there's much I can
do about that.

But what baffles me is why the error doesn't show up on the FIRST
Save rather than the second.


Stefan Blom

Exit Word. Then locate and rename the file. will be in
your user profile, but you can find it quickly via Windows find utility
(press Windows key + F to open it). Be sure to search hidden files and

Paul B

Exit Word. Then locate and rename the file. will be in
your user profile, but you can find it quickly via Windows find utility
(press Windows key + F to open it). Be sure to search hidden files and

I *really* do not want to lose my, and I've made all
kinds of attempts to rewrite or separate off parts of it to
remove the error.

So I'll put up with this anomaly unless it gets more serious.



That's why you rename it rather than delete it.

I *really* do not want to lose my, and I've made all
kinds of attempts to rewrite or separate off parts of it to
remove the error.

So I'll put up with this anomaly unless it gets more serious.


Stefan Blom

Exactly. Renaming it means that it is still there, and you can copy styles
and/or (error-free) macros from it to your newly created copy of Normal.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

That's why you rename it rather than delete it.

Paul B

Exactly. Renaming it means that it is still there, and you can copy styles
and/or (error-free) macros from it to your newly created copy of Normal.

Ok. Since I've done so much to try to eliminate the error, I have
a feeling that the problem is in the custom toolbar I've created,
which would take some time to replicate. I've exported it to a
separate template, though, so I should be able to isolate it as a
source of the problem.

Will give this some more thought.

Stefan Blom

Hopefully you will be able to fix this. If you run into further troubles,
post back.

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