still cannot send email



I made a post the other day about not being able to send email.....I have
been using my Windows Mail account now for over a year....I have not changed
any settings....I have Norton antivirus and I have not changed any of it's
settings.....I have tried everything that has been suggested in this internet provider is Cox....can I please get some help, I am
totally out of ideas....thank you. I have again pasted the error message

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'Fw: Park Place Apartments - Liberty,
TX', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x80004005

Joel Peyton

if you email is with freeserve/wanadoo or orange change pop to:


my email is through "cox".....I have been on the phone with them and verified
that all my server settings, etc. are correct......I am totally at a loss
here and extremely frustrated......please help, anybody

Joel Peyton

Have you checked your port numbers, I don't know a great deal about email but
looking at the error message port shows '0', that really should be a number,

Joel Peyton

Sorry then, that is the extent of my knowledge on email exhausted, did you
take on board everything Gary Van said about disabling antivirus and possibly

See if you can get hold of 'mac' on this forum, he seems to be a good font
of knowledge.

Joel Peyton

Have you tried entering your error message number into a search engine, you
get some useful results.

Gary VanderMolen

The "Port: 0" part of the error message is a definite indication of interference
from your antivirus.
Norton security products are among the top three troublemakers for
Windows Mail. Symptoms often don't surface until several months have
gone by, or until an update occurs.
First, be sure to disable its email scanning, for the reason explained here:

Disabling the Norton program is often insufficient. Do a trial uninstall,
followed by using their debris removal tool:

Instead of uninstalling your antivirus, another option is to upgrade to
Windows Live Mail, which is more resistant to the adverse effects of overly
intrusive antivirus products:

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