Star Wars Battlefront II (Do not buy this game)


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
This is doing the rounds, looks pretty legit?

UPDATE: Apparently the EA Star Wars twitter accidentally uploaded it for a second and it was quickly taken down, but someone miraculously downloaded it. So its almost certainly real.
Ooh that looks awesome! Guess it'll be out later this year?
I would assume so yes, going by previous release dates.
I guess that means it probably was legit :lol:. I missed the boat unfortunately, so I didn't see it. Did it look good?
It does look like it might be good yes, but I'd like to see it a bit more BF4 in terms of the gunplay, which sadly it won't be, it'll be like Battlefront 1.

If there's one thing EA / DICE can do, its make a game look amazing, and boy does this look amazing! However, I am still sceptical.

That really does look good though :eek:. There doesn't appear to be a huge difference between gameplay and cut-scenes, which is impressive. Looking forward to seeing how it actually turns out :).
I've said it once and I'll say it again, EA can make a great trailer! Just needs the game to live up to the hype of the trailer.

Open beta starts on the 6th at 9am for us UK folks. If you've pre-ordered it you get access on the 4th.

I gave this a blast this weekend, had a couple of rounds.

Meh. Its ok, more of the same, blatantly going to be full of loot crates, with a pay to win mentality (this **** needs to die, it has no place in games), and its too expensive.
Yeah, I'm really put off by the £50 price tag, plus all of the in game purchase stuff that's available - it can really ruin games. It looks like it's the future for EA though :(.

I tend to pick things up once they've been out a while, when the DLC inclusive versions are cheap :lol:.
Tbh I do too, there is only a few games I pay full price for now, Battlefield and Forza were the last ones.

Micro transactions and loot crates seem to be the new norm it would appear.
Off the back of what I was saying TB has done a video on it....

Reddit have really torn EA a new one - I think they've kicked up enough of a stink that they may end up re-thinking things in future. There really don't seem to be many big game studios around these days, to give a bit of competition.