I have Norton Anti-Virus 2004 and Norton Firewall 2004. I
believe the NAV2004 is doing a good job and Norton
Firewall 2004 is doing a good job of blocking 'pop-ups.'
I would like to disable the SP2 Firewall, which I believe
I can do from the SP2 'Security Center.'
However, would it be advisable to disable the SP2 'Pop-
up' blocker also, if I think the Norton Firewall 2004 is
doing a good job of blocking 'pop-ups?' OR, can both the
SP2 'pop-up' blocker AND the Norton Firewall 2004 (which
has pop up blocker) work together?
Thanki you.
believe the NAV2004 is doing a good job and Norton
Firewall 2004 is doing a good job of blocking 'pop-ups.'
I would like to disable the SP2 Firewall, which I believe
I can do from the SP2 'Security Center.'
However, would it be advisable to disable the SP2 'Pop-
up' blocker also, if I think the Norton Firewall 2004 is
doing a good job of blocking 'pop-ups?' OR, can both the
SP2 'pop-up' blocker AND the Norton Firewall 2004 (which
has pop up blocker) work together?
Thanki you.