Signature witha logo goes out as an attachment?



I created a signature that includes our company logo. First I created it in
word and then turned it into a pdf, this way it goes all as one when copied.
To get it into outlook I use the format, signatures, advanced edit route and
"snapshot" it from the pdf into word which is the advanced edit option's
editor so to speak. then I save it and everything looks great except when I
go to send out an email that has this fancy signature attached it goes out
looking like I sent an email with an attachment. Is there another way I can
do this so that it does not look like an attachment is with the email?

Brian Tillman

Nicole said:
I created a signature that includes our company logo. First I
created it in word and then turned it into a pdf, this way it goes
all as one when copied. To get it into outlook I use the format,
signatures, advanced edit route and "snapshot" it from the pdf into
word which is the advanced edit option's editor so to speak. then I
save it and everything looks great except when I go to send out an
email that has this fancy signature attached it goes out looking like
I sent an email with an attachment. Is there another way I can do
this so that it does not look like an attachment is with the email?

See if something here helps:


Brian, those links are generic at best and I followed them to create the
signature with a logo to begin with. They give no insite as to solving the
issue of them going out as attachments. Your help is appreciated but those
links are no help at all. I see that many others are having the same issue,
perhaps Microsoft needs to get on this issue!

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