Service Pack 4 Install exits prematurely, plus unable to keep Registry open.



I raised an earlier message where I reported problems with svchost.exe consuming high CPU. The reponse back was that my PC was infected. I have since removed the offending worm virus using the link "" and the svchost problem has gone

However, I still have two remaining problems

The first problem is that I still cannot open the Registry via either regedt or regedt32. The Registry does open but after a few seconds disappears

The second problem is that I want to update the Service Pack level to SP 4, but when I try and do either express install or the full install, the installation exists almost straight away after the files are unpacked

Anyone know why either of these problems are occurring




I raised an earlier message where I reported problems with svchost.exe
consuming high CPU. The reponse back was that my PC was infected. I
have since removed the offending worm virus using the link
"" and the svchost
problem has gone.

However, I still have two remaining problems.

The first problem is that I still cannot open the Registry via either
regedt or regedt32. The Registry does open but after a few seconds

The second problem is that I want to update the Service Pack level to
SP 4, but when I try and do either express install or the full
install, the installation exists almost straight away after the files
are unpacked!

Anyone know why either of these problems are occurring?



Sounds like you've got some damage there. If it were me, I'd be formatting
and reinstalling the OS clean again..

George Hester

Yeak me too. The time and hassle to fix this would be fruitless I suspect. Just make sure in your next system your control is a little better what you do with e-mail. Never open an e-mail. Find some other way to view messages. And stay away from executables 22KB or 512KB or 122KB and that do not have copyright information.

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