SendTo Menu Question



When I right click a file, on my SendTo menu there are certain folders i've
added. There are also all the drives on my system including an external
Iomega HD used for backup.

Now whenever I right click a folder or file, the external drive gives a
short machinegun-like buzz caused, according to Iomega, by the heads doing a
seek or indexing. Their rep suggested it's because their drive is one of
the SendTo choices. I'd like to test this by removing the drive from the
SendTo menu. However all instances of the SendTo folders include only items
i've added myself - no drives. Is there a way to remove a drive?

Dennis Davis [msft]


The Sendto menu will display any removable drives you have attached to your
machine that are running. You could disconnect the Iomega drive or just
power it down and it shouldn't appear on the SendTo menu. This will
probably defeat the purpose of testing to see if the SendTo menu is causing
the drive to try and access the drive though.

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