Rules and Alerts does not work automatically



I have a very simple filter that is supposed to look for a particular word in
the subject matter for emails that are sent to me and move it to a sub folder
within my inbox. This does not happen automatically. However, if I click on
"run rules now" it works fine. How do I get this rule to run automatically?


I use Windows XP SP 3 and MS outlook 2007. And yes, I have checked the rule
that I want to run automatically.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I have a very simple filter that is supposed to look for a particular word
the subject matter for emails that are sent to me and move it to a sub
within my inbox. This does not happen automatically. However, if I click
"run rules now" it works fine. How do I get this rule to run

Post the exact text of the rule, the text of any rule above it in the list,
and an example of a message you think should be acted upon by the rule.


To HM:
IF the rule should send the email to a personal folder subfolder, it could
be the personal folder. If that is the case, try the following (worked on
Outlook 2003 for me):
1. Assuming you've memorized the rule, delete it.
2. Search your PC for hidden files and folders for SCANPST.EXE
3. Once you find it, run it. Choose the personal folder that the rule was
pointing to.
4. If it find errors, create a back up (you'll see it as a choice), then
click on Repair.
5. Once it completes the repair, you can exit ScanPST
6. Recreate your rule.

I had a user who only had two simple rules. We don't know why it got
corrupt, but it did. Both rules pointed to be placed in a personal folder's
subfolder. Once deleted, scanned, then recreated, they have been fine since
(knock on wood).
Best of luck and God bless America,

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