Reverse Migration: Vista Windows Mail to XP Pro Outlook Express



I have a desperate need to revert to XP for a short while. I need to take
my email accounts, messages, rules and address book with me.

Will Windows Easy Transfer in Vista work?

Will Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in XP work?

Any suggestions?

Thank you,


Gary VanderMolen


I have a desperate need to revert to XP for a short while. I need to take my email accounts, messages, rules and address book
with me.

Will Windows Easy Transfer in Vista work?

No. It only goes one way, XP to Vista.
Will Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in XP work?

No. It doesn't understand Vista.

Any suggestions?

I think you can drag and drop the individual .eml message files into the OE message list pane.


Thank you Gary.

Will OE6 be able to read a Windows Mail .dbx file? If so, I could just copy
the dbx files to the XP machine, then swap them into OE6. If I can at least
get the messages (more than 2000) over I can
manage with rebuilding everything else.


Can I import into Outlook 2007 on the Vista machine, then export them to a
file format compatible with Outlook 2007 on the XP machine? That would be
workable but even better if I could then export from that to OE6 on the same
XP machine?


Gary VanderMolen

Windows Mail does not have .dbx files.
WM saves each message as an individual .eml file.

As for using Outlook as the intermediary, that sounds doable,
but not being an Outlook expert, I'll let Hal tackle that question.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

Thank you Gary.

Will OE6 be able to read a Windows Mail .dbx file? If so, I could just copy the dbx files to the XP machine, then swap them
into OE6. If I can at least get the messages (more than 2000) over I can
manage with rebuilding everything else.


Can I import into Outlook 2007 on the Vista machine, then export them to a file format compatible with Outlook 2007 on the XP
machine? That would be workable but even better if I could then export from that to OE6 on the same XP machine?



Thank you again! When I took a quick look at the mail store folder I
thought I saw a dbx file. Obviously I was wrong. I have looked and found
all the emails in the eml format. The files have strange names though:

I am curious as to how that might translate into OE6 if I have to drag and
drop them as a last resort.

I have been a big fan of InsideOE at A few years ago Tom
announced he was about to give up on OE and then MS announced Windows Mail
and he got excited again. However, on my last visit to the site it appears
to be unchanged for quite some time and no links to anything Windows Mail
related. Any ideas what's up with that and how Tom is doing?

Hi Hal! Thanks for any light you may shed on my dilemma.



Microsoft stopped providing much support for the Windows Mail
program over a year ago. They're now offering the Windows Live
Mail program to use instead of Windows Mail under Vista, and
instead of OE under the SP2 and more recent updates of XP:

Robert Miles

Thank you again! When I took a quick look at the mail store folder I
thought I saw a dbx file. Obviously I was wrong. I have looked and found
all the emails in the eml format. The files have strange names though:

I am curious as to how that might translate into OE6 if I have to drag and
drop them as a last resort.

I have been a big fan of InsideOE at A few years ago Tom
announced he was about to give up on OE and then MS announced Windows Mail
and he got excited again. However, on my last visit to the site it
appears to be unchanged for quite some time and no links to anything
Windows Mail related. Any ideas what's up with that and how Tom is doing?

Hi Hal! Thanks for any light you may shed on my dilemma.



Dragging and dropping works fine.

I drugged and dropped an eml file from the Vista Mail mail store folder and
I got a prompt asking if I really wanted to copy the file without all of its
properties and I said yes since I had no idea how to drag and drop it WITH
all the properties. Don't know what was missing. I then drugged and
dropped a message directly out of the message list in Vista Mail. I then
took them over to my XP laptop and they both opened OK in OE and both
dropped into a folder just fine and again opened just fine.

Looks like drugging all my messages may be the way to. I will test this
again tomorrow using a message with a file attachment to verify that
attachments will drag and drop fine also.


Thank you again! When I took a quick look at the mail store folder I
thought I saw a dbx file. Obviously I was wrong. I have looked and found
all the emails in the eml format. The files have strange names though:

I am curious as to how that might translate into OE6 if I have to drag and
drop them as a last resort.

I have been a big fan of InsideOE at A few years ago Tom
announced he was about to give up on OE and then MS announced Windows Mail
and he got excited again. However, on my last visit to the site it
appears to be unchanged for quite some time and no links to anything
Windows Mail related. Any ideas what's up with that and how Tom is doing?

Hi Hal! Thanks for any light you may shed on my dilemma.


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I have a desperate need to revert to XP for a short while. I need to take
my email accounts, messages, rules and address book with me.

Will Windows Easy Transfer in Vista work?

Will Files and Settings Transfer Wizard in XP work?

Any suggestions?

Thank you,


Gary VanderMolen

Yes, we've heard from others who have tried this that dragging and dropping works well.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

Dragging and dropping works fine.

I drugged and dropped an eml file from the Vista Mail mail store folder and I got a prompt asking if I really wanted to copy the
file without all of its properties and I said yes since I had no idea how to drag and drop it WITH all the properties. Don't
know what was missing. I then drugged and dropped a message directly out of the message list in Vista Mail. I then took them
over to my XP laptop and they both opened OK in OE and both dropped into a folder just fine and again opened just fine.

Looks like drugging all my messages may be the way to. I will test this again tomorrow using a message with a file attachment
to verify that attachments will drag and drop fine also.


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