

Mad Max

Hello All.

Since my last post was about 48hrs ago , it seems unlikely that anyone is
going to pick up on it, so the re-post seems logical.
The original inquiry was about an error message being displayed on the only
user account on this XPsp1Home computer.
" Exception--Open Exclusive failed config.TBD--Error 4534408
There are also two Administrator accounts, however the error message occurs
only on the user account.
Perhaps someone could advise as to how to eliminate the message and fix
whatever the problem is, or possibly direct me to a source to do so.

In addition I have a question concerning the Event viewer on the same
Is it normal for a dozen or more variable incidents to be on the event
viewer every day ? Also , should these be deleted ( if possible ) and how to
do so, if advisable.
I'm not very computer savvy , so any answers should reflect this.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

The Unknown P

Although I can't seem to find any info about your error it
would be good to know exactly what you were doing when
this happened and what steps you take when you make it
happen. As for your log files in the event viewer you can
right click on any one of them and then click clear log
and then click no when asked to save. This helps when
trying to track down the errors that occur while trouble
shooting a problem. What you are looking for in the event
viewer are any red Xs in the right pane when you open a
log file such as applications. Double clicking the red X
will open a details screen. While most of this maybe greek
to you and the link displayed to find help rarely works at
least you will have more info to post back so that we can
better help. Error codes are so hard to track as each
environment is unique and will generate different codes.
Keep smiling.

Mad Max

Thanks for the rapid reply.
As to what originally created the error report, I do not have a clue.
It occurs only on the user account at sign on and when the "OK" is clicked
on it , it goes away and seems to have no further impact or cause any
problems, until the user account is signed onto again, at which time the
process is repeated.

As to the Event Viewer. Should these be deleted , or since I do not have a
clue as to their meaning at this point , be left alone and continue to
multiply ?

Again , thanks for your assistance.

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