Windows XP RAM memory... expansion...?

Jun 28, 2008
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I'm really dense when it comes to working with computers (and technology in general), so I don't know if I'm being a little selfish by creating my own thread for this little problem. ^_^;;

My PC is rather old (about 8 years old now) and it runs on Windows XP Professional....

The label on the hardrive says "128 MB/ SDRAM memory". I've asked some of my guy friends about this before, and they've told me this is a pretty pathetic piece of junk.


A software that I desperately need to download requires at least 120 MB (this seems to be the standard for most softwares), and right now I'm at about 112 MB on my PC.

I just need to know what it is that I need to start getting rid of in order to bring that number back up to at least 121 MB....

I've tried deleting some massive (memory consuming) programs that I don't need on the "Add/delete programs" list, but it doens't seem to work for some reason.

PLEASE HELP. Because I'd really like to download this program.......

I'm sure this is a very dumb little problem to most of you, but really. I'm VERY bad with technology......... :3


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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You are confusing Ram and Hard Drive space ...

The 'download' is referring to the "needed" disk space. The Software should state how much 'Ram' is needed to run it, you don't have much Ram by today's standards, and, XP will be a wee bit slow running with 128Mb Ram. :thumb:

Yes, an 8 year old PC is technically 80 years old. ;)


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Even though your pc is 8 years old you could upgrade it for less than 40 pounds . Another stick of ram could be bought for less than 10 pounds,this would probably not much use to you if you get a more modern pc . A hard drive could be bought for around 30 pounds and you would be able to use it in any future pc you own . Both these items are easy to fit . The memory RAM being the easiest, fitting more ram would make your XP os run a lot better .
We would need more info about your pc though if you do decide to upgrade as this would help us guide you in the right direction for parts .

Hope that helps .

Jul 2, 2008
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RAM holds the programs while they are executed.
So having more RAM will ease the over all processing and makes your PC works faster.
Jul 4, 2008
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I would recommend to review making any spending on 8 yr old PC against buying a new good configuration PC (Depending on your future plans to use PC) . New programs are usually memory/speed demanding.
Jun 28, 2008
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ah! thanks XDD

OH! hehe i didn't know that... X3
i guess computers are like... pets? hmhm~ 1 year of a dog's life is like 7 years for people, same deal.
thanks for the link! It was really helpful. :)
muckshifter said:
You are confusing Ram and Hard Drive space ...

The 'download' is referring to the "needed" disk space. The Software should state how much 'Ram' is needed to run it, you don't have much Ram by today's standards, and, XP will be a wee bit slow running with 128Mb Ram. :thumb:

Yes, an 8 year old PC is technically 80 years old. ;)
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
i see! hehe

Ah, my friends have tried to upgrade my computer before (although i don't really know what they were doing?) but they've told me it would be MUCh wiser to purchase a brand new pc rather than spending a handful of money trying to upgrade a computer that will soon enough see it's end? XD

and so, more RAM would allow my pc to run faster... and what does more hard drive space do?

Abarbarian said:
Even though your pc is 8 years old you could upgrade it for less than 40 pounds . Another stick of ram could be bought for less than 10 pounds,this would probably not much use to you if you get a more modern pc . A hard drive could be bought for around 30 pounds and you would be able to use it in any future pc you own . Both these items are easy to fit . The memory RAM being the easiest, fitting more ram would make your XP os run a lot better .
We would need more info about your pc though if you do decide to upgrade as this would help us guide you in the right direction for parts .

Hope that helps .


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