Pondering ... who is Vista for?


Nina DiBoy

Richard said:
So, how was Bubba?

That is an absolutely disgusting obsession! I hope to heaven that you
have no access to children of any kind!

Priceless quotes in m.p.w.vista.general group:

Most recent idiotic quote added to KICK (Klassic Idiotic Caption Kooks):
"Nope. Just CLUELESS CUNTS LIKE YOU too stupid to work it out. Thank
the bittorent brigade."

"Good poets borrow; great poets steal."
- T. S. Eliot


Nina said:
That is an absolutely disgusting obsession! I hope to heaven that you
have no access to children of any kind!

It's typical of Dick Urban to resort to infantile insults when he can't
debate the issues.


Saucy Lemon

The first thing I though when reading your post was "The pot calling the
kettle black".

Saucy Lemon


Saucy said:
The first thing I though when reading your post was "The pot calling the
kettle black".

Saucy Lemon

So, the first thing that came to your mind was a worn out cliche? I do
not insult people in newsgroups. Dick Urban does it all the time. But,
being as he loves Vista and doesn't live in a country you disdain, you
don't say squat.


Saucy Lemon

LOL. You insult left right and center. You called me a bigot etc. etc.

Actually, I don't disdain Spain, although their pull out from Iraq after the
Madrid bombing handed Osama and all terrorists world-wide victory. On
principal they should have deliberate stayed just to diss al-Qaeda and bin
Laden. But weak knees go with weak wills. Better to have not gone in at all
then to go in as a fool weak "ally". If one doesn't want to take the heat,
stay out of the kitchen.

Anyway, I'm sure that is far from your concern, although you did ask about
"Freedom Fries". I'm not American, BTW, so the term didn't come up here
expect in the news. I don't think France owed it to the USA to go into Iraq.
And seeing as Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld lied about the WMDs, it is clear in
retrospect that the war wasn't legitmate. However, once in, the story
changes and the welfare of an entire country is at stake so it is not so
easy to just up and leave (well, it's easy for the weak-willed to up and
leave .. bin Laden proved that with the Spaniards .. hmm .. Spain is
defeated yet again and so easily this time .. amazing).

Alias, you on the other hand, are full of vim 'n vinegar and quite a fiesty
poster. You pull no punches when it comes to Vista, do you? Maybe it is you
who disdain Spain these days, eh?

Saucy Lemon

Saucy Lemon


Saucy said:
LOL. You insult left right and center. You called me a bigot etc. etc.

Calling Spain a "poor country" is what? Bull Connor was a bigot. Fact.
That isn't an insult; it's pointing out the truth.
Actually, I don't disdain Spain, although their pull out from Iraq after
the Madrid bombing handed Osama and all terrorists world-wide victory.
On principal they should have deliberate stayed just to diss al-Qaeda
and bin Laden. But weak knees go with weak wills. Better to have not
gone in at all then to go in as a fool weak "ally". If one doesn't want
to take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.

We live in a democracy in Spain, unlike the USA, and when the people
vote to leave the war, the government leaves the war or gets voted out.
Last November, the American people sent Bush a message: get out of the
war. What does this unelected buffoon do? He raises the troop levels and
ignores the will of the American people. Admitting a mistake and leaving
the war is commendable, not cowardly.
Anyway, I'm sure that is far from your concern, although you did ask
about "Freedom Fries". I'm not American, BTW, so the term didn't come up
here expect in the news.

I am an American. What country are you from?
I don't think France owed it to the USA to go
into Iraq.

Nobody did.
And seeing as Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld lied about the WMDs, it is
clear in retrospect that the war wasn't legitmate. However, once in, the
story changes and the welfare of an entire country is at stake so it is
not so easy to just up and leave (well, it's easy for the weak-willed to
up and leave .. bin Laden proved that with the Spaniards .. hmm .. Spain
is defeated yet again and so easily this time .. amazing).

Admitting a mistake and leaving is not cowardly. For a politician to
respect the will of the people voting for him or her is also not cowardly.
Alias, you on the other hand, are full of vim 'n vinegar and quite a
fiesty poster. You pull no punches when it comes to Vista, do you? Maybe
it is you who disdain Spain these days, eh?

Saucy Lemon

I love Spain. I wouldn't live anywhere else and I have lived all over
the world.



Don't you love it when debating facts (even about Windows) when some tend to
base their ideas/facts on their ability to throw out ad hominems, as if that
make their points valid. Using assumptions, the fact that you live in Spain
makes them somehow win the argument that Spain is (perceived) all weak,
since it doesn't bow down to the great American con job that we engage in
Iraq. They call your country a "poor country" (obviously not really knowing
anything aboput Spain), except maybe through 100 year old history books, yet
claim victory in their argument based on their perceptions, not reality.

<sarcasm on>
Since you come from a poor country, you don't what you're talking about, you
lose and they are right :- / <sarcasm off>


Tom said:
Don't you love it when debating facts (even about Windows) when some tend to
base their ideas/facts on their ability to throw out ad hominems, as if that
make their points valid. Using assumptions, the fact that you live in Spain
makes them somehow win the argument that Spain is (perceived) all weak,
since it doesn't bow down to the great American con job that we engage in
Iraq. They call your country a "poor country" (obviously not really knowing
anything aboput Spain), except maybe through 100 year old history books, yet
claim victory in their argument based on their perceptions, not reality.

<sarcasm on>
Since you come from a poor country, you don't what you're talking about, you
lose and they are right :- / <sarcasm off>

Couldn't have put it better myself.


R. McCarty

Spain is not a "Poor" country. On a European vacation, I found that
some of the best accommodations, food.... was to be had in Madrid.

Spain's politics is Spain's business.

DE Retiree

Just like US politics are US business!! (Oh, but I guess no one ever wants
their rants to go both ways).

DE Retiree

But I guess many of the posters don't consider what happens in Spain to
affect the US? The point in my earlier post was to just illustrate that
those who have strong opinions on a subject are not usually very open to
understanding other points of view (except me of course <grin>). For
example, my humble opinion of Spain pulling out of Iraq and expecting the
terrorists to leave them alone was similar to telling a murderer that if he
does not kill anyone in your family, it is OK for him to slaughter everyone
else on the street and then expect him to honor that because his actions are
so trustworthy. Make sense?

No offense meant or taken.

Saucy Lemon

Alias said:
I am an American. What country are you from?

I am a Canadian.

I live in the southern section of the capital, Ottawa, which is located in
the eastern part of Ontario.

Alias, I plan only to attempt to help JOE D today, as I have too much to do
to spend much time posting. 'Catch you and your opinions later??

'Have a nice day today,
Saucy Lemon


DE said:
But I guess many of the posters don't consider what happens in Spain to
affect the US? The point in my earlier post was to just illustrate that
those who have strong opinions on a subject are not usually very open to
understanding other points of view (except me of course <grin>). For
example, my humble opinion of Spain pulling out of Iraq and expecting the
terrorists to leave them alone was similar to telling a murderer that if he
does not kill anyone in your family, it is OK for him to slaughter everyone
else on the street and then expect him to honor that because his actions are
so trustworthy. Make sense?

No offense meant or taken.

Proof is in the pudding: Not one new attack in Spain since the subway
attack says it all. Remember, Spain has been dealing with Arabs for
thousands of years. The USA has never had to deal with them in the way
Spain has. If you would check your history, you would know that the
Arabs occupied Spain for hundreds of years. Does the name El Cid ring a



Saucy said:
Teach them?

Yes. Most people can learn things.
But they want to see the dancing bunnies .. Gertrude over in
Sales will never pass on a dancing bunny ..

Saucy Lemon

Teach Gertrude about how installing dancing bunnies will cost her her job.


DE Retiree

Alias, I am very familar with history. If you so choose, check out the link
below to see how "honorable" the terrorists have been in the past. Based on
this list, I see no reason to doubt your opinion that the terrorists would
not bother Spain in the future <grin>. Also, I realize we are way off topic
in this newsgroup, so this is my last posting. Thanks for sharing your
viewpoints. I personally favor facts vs. opinions as I'm sure you do to
based on your El Cid comment. Also, I'm very glad that the Europeans did
not crumble before the Turks from May 10, 1529 through August 22, 1717 -
talk about a long fight, sort of makes the few years in Iraq pale in
comparison - or we might all be speaking something other than English at

P.S. You do remember Suleiman don't you?


Alias said:
DE said:
But I guess many of the posters don't consider what happens in Spain to
affect the US? The point in my earlier post was to just illustrate that
those who have strong opinions on a subject are not usually very open to
understanding other points of view (except me of course <grin>). For
example, my humble opinion of Spain pulling out of Iraq and expecting the
terrorists to leave them alone was similar to telling a murderer that if
he does not kill anyone in your family, it is OK for him to slaughter
everyone else on the street and then expect him to honor that because his
actions are so trustworthy. Make sense?

No offense meant or taken.

Proof is in the pudding: Not one new attack in Spain since the subway
attack says it all. Remember, Spain has been dealing with Arabs for
thousands of years. The USA has never had to deal with them in the way
Spain has. If you would check your history, you would know that the Arabs
occupied Spain for hundreds of years. Does the name El Cid ring a bell?


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