[PL] PL2005 CD - it's time to get serious


Steven Burn

jo said:
We appear to have shut Stephen's site down :)

Tis running just fine here?

I perhaps should have mentioned, the server is running on Windows 2000 Pro,
which is limited to a max of 10 connections at a time via HTTP (I am hoping
to have a copy of Windows 2000 Advanced Server edition within the next
couple weeks however, which will get rid of this limitation, and
additionally, an upgrade to a 1MB line).



Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

Steven Burn

Susan Bugher said:
FWIW - I sent out 8 "invitations". . .

Got a "too many connections" message a little while ago - then a few
minutes later the page reloaded okay - now an attempted page reload is
spinning its wheels - "waiting for". . .

Although the HTTP connection is limited, the FTP one isn't (so anyone having
problems connecting via HTTP is more than welcome to connect via FTP if that
will help?).



Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

Susan Bugher

Steven said:
Tis running just fine here?

I perhaps should have mentioned, the server is running on Windows 2000 Pro,
which is limited to a max of 10 connections at a time via HTTP (I am hoping
to have a copy of Windows 2000 Advanced Server edition within the next
couple weeks however, which will get rid of this limitation, and
additionally, an upgrade to a 1MB line).

FWIW - I sent out 8 "invitations". . .

Got a "too many connections" message a little while ago - then a few
minutes later the page reloaded okay - now an attempted page reload is
spinning its wheels - "waiting for". . .


Susan Bugher

Steven said:
Although the HTTP connection is limited, the FTP one isn't (so anyone having
problems connecting via HTTP is more than welcome to connect via FTP if that
will help?).

How about emailing that URL to me so I can pass it on - or is it obvious
and I'm just not being very bright?


My Name

Although the HTTP connection is limited, the FTP one isn't
(so anyone having problems connecting via HTTP is more than
welcome to connect via FTP if that will help?).



Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!

Is the ftp link generally available now, or will it be later?

Susan Bugher

Steven said:
Not at the moment, but it will be in a day or two.

and (I hope) a bit torrent, an alt.binaries.freeware download, another
host site or two or three. . .

We're trying to get those things underway now. . .



Susan Bugher said:
Steven spotted some things that needed correction - we've been working on
that. . .

I believe this is the current list of volunteer burners:

Adrian Carter Email: adriancarterau (AT) yahoo (DOT) com (DOT) au

Harsha Godavari
PuppyKatt? Email: slkorolyk (AT) mts (DOT) net

New Zealand and the South Pacific:
Nicolaas Hawkins Email: raptor (AT) top (DOT) net (DOT) nz

Danny Email: dannyboy (AT) asianet (DOT) co (DOT) th

United Kingdom:
Semolina Pilchard Email: Semolina (AT) ecosse (DOT) net


Mark Warner
Omar Oszust Email: poszust (AT) wideopenwest (DOT) com

I just revised the wiki to show that.


I *think* these are the volunteer burners who will need to have their CDs
mailed to them:

Danny Email: dannyboy (AT) asianet (DOT) co (DOT) th
Semolina Pilchard Email: Semolina (AT) ecosse (DOT) net

I'm not sure about Danny - he's in Thailand and probably not getting mail
right now.

Nicolaas Hawkins Email: raptor (AT) top (DOT) net (DOT) nz
PuppyKatt? Email: slkorolyk (AT) mts (DOT) net

*May* need to have their CDs mailed.

If anyone else wants to volunteer let me know. AFAIK all the people above
want to be listed on the web page. If I missed anybody or got anything
wrong somebody *please* correct me.

For those who may not know - you can volunteer:

as a "public" burner - with your name and email addie on the web page

or you can volunteer as a "behind the scenes" burner - for example - I
believe Semolina is coordinating UK requests and passing on some requests
he receives to one or two other volunteer burners - depending on the
location of the person requesting the CD. . .

or - if you have a copy of the CD - you can volunteer to fulfill
individual requests that are posted in the newsgroup when the mood strikes


Susan, please send link to download the iso. I am on a 2mb connection



Susan Bugher wrote:

or - if you have a copy of the CD - you can volunteer to fulfill
individual requests that are posted in the newsgroup when the mood
strikes you.


I'd be glad to burn a few for anyone in the Florida/ Southeast USA
area. I'm on dial-up & need a copy of CD. TIA.....Jim

Nicolaas Hawkins

"Too many people..." :)

I wonder what would happen if the URL was posted here?

If it was posted before it was cleared for public posting, the poster
would reveal him/herself as a dishonourable spoiler.


Hi Jo. Not shut down, just slowed down ... to a crawl. I am currently
downloading, as I have been for a few hours now. I am at 74% complete, with
5 hours, 22 minutes left to go.


The lights would go out.

Haha. It is going to take an industrial strength server for awhile. I
know many people have high speed connections and will prefer to grab
and burn their own CD. It's not much, but I'll add my dialup to the
bit torrent when it gets going. I'll bet the more who chip in here the
better. IIRC, the 2004 CD was announced in crack groups even and the
demand was huge.

Maybe a few crackers saw the light anyway.

Susan Bugher

Susan said:
DONE! :) :) :)

I'm emailing the download link to those with priority (the other hosting
sites, volunteer burners etc. erc.)

MAMEngineer - if you'll email at mailto:[email protected]
I'll send you the info.

As soon as those folks have gotten their downloads I'll post the link. I
won't put it on the web site for a few days - ACF'ers get first dibs. :)



Hi Jo. Not shut down, just slowed down ... to a crawl. I am currently
downloading, as I have been for a few hours now. I am at 74% complete, with
5 hours, 22 minutes left to go.

The site's 'jo' filter is still working well...

Susan Bugher

REM said:
Haha. It is going to take an industrial strength server for awhile. I
know many people have high speed connections and will prefer to grab
and burn their own CD. It's not much, but I'll add my dialup to the
bit torrent when it gets going. I'll bet the more who chip in here the
better. IIRC, the 2004 CD was announced in crack groups even and the
demand was huge.

Thanks REM - I'll be glad when we have a bit torrent going - that should
be a big help. Haven't heard from MAMEngineer yet. . . and yeah, the
initial demand *was* huge last year (whatever the reason).

AFAIK nobody has finished downloading the ISO - fingers still crossed.
If all goes well a couple more download sites will have the ISO
sometime today. ISTM we'd better continue downloading from the host
sites by "invitation" only. *Sigh* - that means another request list. .
.. ;)


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