OWA with Vista.


Grady Vogt

Vista does not work with OWA 2003 in native mode only classic.

I have only found the artical that wants a hot fix to exchange.

Is there a fix for Vista and not the exchange server??



Yes, Firefox works, but it is pretty ugly. I also have this problem in a
product called eCollege, used by several schools for education. It has
exactly the same failure when you try to create a new object. There must be
somekind of control that is not in Vista, because all of this worked fine
with IE7 under XP.

Tom Porterfield

dnr said:
Yes, Firefox works, but it is pretty ugly. I also have this problem in a
product called eCollege, used by several schools for education. It has
exactly the same failure when you try to create a new object. There must
be somekind of control that is not in Vista, because all of this worked
fine with IE7 under XP.

It is the DHTML editing control that has been removed from Vista for
security reasons. If your Exchange server is patched with all critical
patches, this control is no longer needed for the enhanced OWA view. You
will need to let the support know for your eCollege product that they need
to update their product to work with Vista. More info can be found at

More in-depth info available in the following whitepaper:

Replacing the DHTML Editing Control in Windows Vista and Beyond


Thank you. I love it. Real information. It is all there. I have
forwarded these links to the people who run Exchange at DeVry in Houston, and
to eCollege.

FYI - In eCollege the edit area just shows up as HTML under Firefox, but at
least it can be manipulated.

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