Outlook opens once, then never again!



I recently began having a problem with Outlook 2007, one that had never
surfaced before. If I start my laptop, Outlook 2007 will open fine once the
laptop is booted up. It will work fine, too--as long as I don't close it. If
I do, it will mot re-launch unless I do a complete restart. When I do
restart, a dialog box advises me that Outlook failed to start properly last
time, and do I want to launch it in safe mode. Sometimes I say yes, and
sometimes no, but once it's launched there are no problems--until I close it

Does anyone have any ideas as to what's causing this and how to correct it?
Thanks in



Its probably because its not closing properly, bring up Task Manage (when
youve closed it) look in Running Processess Tab for Outlook.exe & end the
Likely caused by an addon or AV Scaniing app
What addons and AV are you using?


How do I get to Task manager? And how do I know what add-ons I'm using? And
what is AV scanning app? Sorry for being such a dunce, but I'm a Mac guy and
new to Wondows XP. Thanks for your help so far, DL.


DL, I went to Scheduled Tasks and deleted Disk Cleanup. Then I closed Outlook
and relaunched. It worked. But I somehow don't think I did what you suggested.


Ctrl+Alt+Del (in windows) brings up the Task Manager - look in running
processes (after having closed outlook) for Outlook.exe
AV= Anti Virus scanning application
Addons: Within Outlook>Tools>Trust Centre>Add-ins


Found it and Outlook.exe is in there. from what I've been able to determine,
it may tak a long time to close down after you actually quit it because it
has to go through some .pst files or something. Doesn't archiving reduce that
load? One fellow suggest not quitting Outlook at all. He says just quit
Windows when you're finished and let Windows handle the shutdown. Good advice?

Thanks for hanging with me.


If you allow windows to shut outlook down you will find that your data file
(the pst) may be damaged.
If Outlook doesnt shutdown when you close it, the process should end within
30 secs or so, then something is holding the process open.
Generally, as stated its caused by an add-on or AV application.
If you dont want to go through the process of disabling/unloading the
add-ins you could try running Outlook with the safe switch, then see if it
shuts down correctly.
If it does then you can be pretty sure its an add-in or AV causing the


Checked...all add-ins are Microsoft related. But I did find that my Inbox
repair tool in Program files/Office/Office 12 shows two "broken" icons...one
for scanOST and one for scanPST. I'm stuck from here, though. Again, thanks
for your help so far, DL


If you mean the icons have 'tear' in them that is normal.
Did you try running Outlook via the safe switch? (link posted previously)
If after a period of use, you then shutdown Outlook, and wait 30 secs or so
does the process end in running processess?


I tried, but when I type "outlook/switch in the Run box, i get a dialogue box
that says it can't be found.

When I try to run the scanPST it asks what file I want to run it on. And I
don't know which file to point it to.


Try the full path;
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Outlook.exe " /safe
outlook.exe /safe (note the space between exe /)

Scanpst, browse function usually opens the default location, provided you
have'nt change the file name its outlook.pst


Yes, DL. When Outlook opens in safe mode, it closes in running processes as
indicated by Task Manager. Now what?


That would tend to indicate that one of the add-ins is causing the problem.
The only way to track it down would be by disabling a batch at a time & then
You might care to post back with a list of the add-ins shown in your Trust


Here's the list:

Microsoft Access Outlook add-in for Data Collection and Publishing
Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging
Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server Colleague Import add-in
Microsoft Outlook Mobile Service
OneNote Notes about Outlook Items
Outlook Backup add-in
Outlook Change Notifier
Windows Search Email Indexer

Inactive Application addins
Microsoft VBA for Outlook addin

Disabled Application addins
Send to Bluetooth

I also got a dialogue box this morning that said "Outlook failed to start in
safe mode. Do you want to detect and repair"

I clicked yes and some program called Microsoft Hybrid 2007 installed. It
took a while, but when it was done, Outlook launched normally.

Again, I appreciate the time you are taking to help me.


'.....Hybrid 2007' is something apertaining to a trial edition of Office
2007, as installed by a computer manufacturer.
When you start eg Word, click the Office orb > Word Options > Resources what
does it say in 'about MS Office Word'?

Did you initially install Office 2007 from cd/dvd or?


It came installed on my machine, but Microsoft Customer service gave me the
key to unlock the trial versions. Long story. In any event, any program I
open in Office, including Microsoft Word, just says the name of the
program...no trial version or anything like that. It says, "Get updates, run
Microsoft Office diagnostics (which I have done), contact us, activate
Microsoft office (which I have done), go to Microsoft office online (which I
have done) and About Microsoft office 2007

Why do you ask?


Simply I was somewhat perplexed by the 'Hybrid' process and just wanted to
check that a component did show as a trial.

To go back to your add-ins I don't see anything out of the ordinary there
that should cause any issues
But then I think you said all is OK since the 'Hybrid' process

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