oulook crash

  • Thread starter Veris and Amee Young
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Veris and Amee Young

Day before yesterday my outlook just started crashing with out any reason.
Only thing I had installed around then was the ITunes. I read on one website
that it made it crash so I uninstalled ITunes right away. Unfortunately the
outlook still crashes. I have Vista home edition on my laptop. Help please.


K. Orland

What version of Outlook are you using? Are there any error messages and/or
numbers? Does Outlook open at all? If it does, at what point does it crash?
Can you send and receive?

Veris and Amee Young

I click on the Microsoft outlook on desktop to open the program. I get the
message saying outlook Mail usage Another version of outlook was installed
on machine prior to installing outlook 2000.Did you use that version of
outlook to read electronic mail? Answer yes to allow outlook 2000 to use
same config as previously installed version of outlook. I click yes and it
normally was able to use outlook before. Now when I click yes it opens the
program but as soon as it opens I get message saying Microsoft Outlook has
stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.
Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available. I
click close program and then nothing happens.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP (OneNote)

Hmmm...sounds like you've got a funky configuration. Just to be clear
is Outlook 2000 the version you're supposed to be using? Did you
uninstall the previous version? You don't ever open a DIFFERENT version
of Outlook do you?

I would probably go to Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs find
Microsoft Outlook (or Office if it's part of that) 2000 and do a Repair
installation. Sorry I can't be a lot more specific, I don't have an
Outlook 2000 installation in front of me to look at and haven't had to
work on it in quite some time. You might also be able to launch a
different application in the suite (Word? Excel?) and go to Help |
Detect and Repair.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Author - The Lawyer's Guide to Microsoft Outlook 2007:

Veris and Amee Young

I tried to repair MS Office but it is asking me for disk. I didn't get disk
when I bought this from Office Depot. I didn't even get the Vista disk come
to think of that. Should I call them about it?

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I tried to repair MS Office but it is asking me for disk. I didn't get disk
when I bought this from Office Depot. I didn't even get the Vista disk come
to think of that. Should I call them about it?

If you didn't receive any disks, there should be a command or partition that
allows you to create them for yourself or a way to restore the device to the
settings it had when you purchased it. The documentation that came with the
PC should outline the process. Sounds like you have a trial version of

Veris and Amee Young

Well I ended up finding the office 2000 disk. I uninstalled it then
reinstalled and still had same problem. I called HP and they said that 2000
is not Vista compliant and I had to get rid of it asap if I didn't it would
make my pc unstable. I ended up uninstalling 2000. I had 2007 home and
office trial version and it just expired and since I don't want to spend 150
bucks I uninstalled that also. Now I am using windows mail. I am not happy
with it but I guess I will get used to it. I am going to try open office as
far as my office things are concerned.

Thank you all who tried to help.


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Well I ended up finding the office 2000 disk. I uninstalled it then
reinstalled and still had same problem. I called HP and they said that
2000 is not Vista compliant and I had to get rid of it asap if I didn't it
would make my pc unstable.

In general, Outlook 2000 installed in Corporate/Workgroup or No Mail mode
should be usable on Vista.

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