OT whatever happened to:

  • Thread starter Shashay Doofray
  • Start date

Shashay Doofray

About the time I took down my version of the F.A.Q., Blinky emailed me
that he was unsubscribing from the group because we mainly talk about
freeware for Windows and he's totally using Linux now.


As much as I dislike Windows, I was not impressed with Linux at all.


My Key

Haven't seen our old buddy Blinky for a long time - anyone know if
he is ok?

Blinky's still posting in other newsgroups,such as
news.software.readers and alt.newgroup.for.fun.fun.fun
He apparently was having computer problems, but I think he fixed it.
There's a lot of familiar faces (from acf) in anffff, by the way.

John Corliss

My said:
Blinky's still posting in other newsgroups,such as
news.software.readers and alt.newgroup.for.fun.fun.fun
He apparently was having computer problems, but I think he fixed it.
There's a lot of familiar faces (from acf) in anffff, by the way.

About the time I took down my version of the F.A.Q., Blinky emailed me
that he was unsubscribing from the group because we mainly talk about
freeware for Windows and he's totally using Linux now.

Bob Adkins

About the time I took down my version of the F.A.Q., Blinky emailed me
that he was unsubscribing from the group because we mainly talk about
freeware for Windows and he's totally using Linux now.

Blinky will be back. They all come back eventually. :)



Blinky emailed
me that he was unsubscribing from the group because we mainly talk
about freeware for Windows and he's totally using Linux now.

Hope he's having a bit more luck with it than I am :(

Keenan P.

About the time I took down my version of the F.A.Q., Blinky emailed me
that he was unsubscribing from the group because we mainly talk about
freeware for Windows and he's totally using Linux now.
He's alive and well on alt.newgroup.for.fun.fun.fun as are a whole group
of our regulars. Looks like a fun place.
I think we all need a break from acf now and then.
P. Keenan - Webmaster
Web Page Design
Manitoulin Island, Canada
(e-mail address removed)


Blinky emailed
me that he was unsubscribing from the group because we mainly talk
about freeware for Windows and he's totally using Linux now.
Hope he's having a bit more luck than I am


John Corliss

Bob said:
Blinky will be back. They all come back eventually. :)

Nope, I really don't think so. There were other reasons he gave me
that I didn't go into. Reasons that I'm sitting back and observing
more and more every day in this group.


Joachim Ziebs said:
What problems are you experiencing?

The learning curve is extremely steep. As none of my USB components
seem to be recognised, including my ADSL modem, I can't even get on
line in Linux to get updates I need. I could do with an experienced
guru sitting next to me for a day, just to point me in the right
direction for the first few steps. You seem to need a lot of knowledge
even to understand what you need to do, let alone be able to do it.
Unlike Windows, I find Linux totally non-intuitive.
I'll get there eventually, but SWMBO will probably have walked out on
me by then <G>

Mister Charlie

John Corliss said:
Nope, I really don't think so. There were other reasons he gave me
that I didn't go into. Reasons that I'm sitting back and observing
more and more every day in this group.
Was it my breath?


mike ring

I could do with an experienced
guru sitting next to me for a day, just to point me in the right
direction for the first few steps. You seem to need a lot of knowledge
even to understand what you need to do, let alone be able to do it.
Unlike Windows, I find Linux totally non-intuitive.
I'll get there eventually, but SWMBO will probably have walked out on
me by then <G>
Couldn't we all - I've had half a dozen tries at linux, only very
recently even got a picture, but very little more.

What did work, admittedly only freecell before I gave up, was horribly
inferior to windows.

Go to a newgroup and you get flamed for being a muppet, try it by
yourself and it's hopeless unless you've got a brain as big as all
outdoors and speak Klingon.

There are no evening classes that I know of.

As I won't go to XP, I've settled for getting all the updates for W98
while they're available, and I'm trying to find out how to reload a clean
fully patched version on to a hard drive.....

It'll have to do for now

mike r

Bob Adkins

As I won't go to XP, I've settled for getting all the updates for W98
while they're available, and I'm trying to find out how to reload a clean
fully patched version on to a hard drive.....

May I ask why you won't go to XP? It IS a bit expensive, but it's worth it.
It's like butter. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by rejecting XP for the
wrong reasons. ;)


Joachim Ziebs

Hi Keith!

KeithS said:
The learning curve is extremely steep. As none of my USB components
seem to be recognised, including my ADSL modem, I can't even get on
line in Linux to get updates I need.

Now, what distribution do you use?
I could do with an experienced
guru sitting next to me for a day, just to point me in the right
direction for the first few steps.

Well, there are Linux usergroups all over the world. Find one and ask them.
They are really helpful.




Joachim Ziebs said:
Now, what distribution do you use?
SuSe 9.0 Personal. It installed OK, seems to recognise my HP scanner
(USB), but won't operate it. the USB ADSL modem (Speedtouch330) isn't
supported, nor is the Canon i550 USB printer
Well, there are Linux usergroups all over the world. Find one and
ask them. They are really helpful.

Got to agree with a previous poster somewhere, unlike this ng,
residents on the Linux ng's seem somewhat arrogant. Mind you I can
understand it, must be pretty depressing seeing the same queries from
newbies again and again.


Roger Johansson

KeithS said:
Got to agree with a previous poster somewhere, unlike this ng,
residents on the Linux ng's seem somewhat arrogant. Mind you I can
understand it, must be pretty depressing seeing the same queries from
newbies again and again.

They could, of course, take those questions as a reason to change the
documentation so newbies would not have to ask the same questions
again and again.

Write the answers to the most common questions on the first
information page of the Linux documentation.

Or, even better, change the operative system so the users do not have
to know those things.

mike ring

KeithS said:
Got to agree with a previous poster somewhere, unlike this ng,
residents on the Linux ng's seem somewhat arrogant. Mind you I can
understand it, must be pretty depressing seeing the same queries from
newbies again and again.
See what I mean, Keith, "usergroups all over the world"; I live just
outside London and the nearest appears to be Cambridge, which considering
public transport here is impossible, and in any case if you look up their
events it's extremely sporadic.

But the linux man's answer was unhelpful and arrogant - no wonder they keep
getting the same questions if the answers they give are as duff as that.

I think that inside they value their exclusivity more than rescuing the
rest of us from Bill

mike r

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