office Excel 2003 not working



i run windows xp (sp3)
i cannot access excel 2003 - the 'office source engine' is missing and
when i try 'setup for office' as advised in the help menu it refers me
to control panel. what do i do.
any ideas please.


Pegasus [MVP]

ray said:
i run windows xp (sp3)
i cannot access excel 2003 - the 'office source engine' is missing and
when i try 'setup for office' as advised in the help menu it refers me
to control panel. what do i do.
any ideas please.


Best to ask the experts in one of the many Excel newsgroups.


i run windows xp (sp3)
i cannot access excel 2003 - the 'office source engine' is missing and
when i try 'setup for office' as advised in the help menu it refers me
to control panel. what do i do.
any ideas please.


You should place your Office 2003 CD back into the optical drive you
used to install it from. Office was never "built in" to any versions
of Windows, unless the place you purchased the PC decided to including
it in your "package" deal.

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