Office 2003 stopped FP2000 publishing...



Hi - I would really, really appreciate some help with this. I have been using FrontPage 2000 for ages without problems to publish my web site. I then installed Office 2003. FrontPage 2000 continues to work BUT when I try and publish wth it it compares pages on my local web and the remote site and then...nothing. I refuses to publish anything and then after 2 - 3 minutes I get a server timeout error.

My web host has re-installed FrontPage Extensions but this has made no difference at all

Please help



Stefan B Rusynko

Switching back and for between versions for the same site on the same machine is not recommended
FP only writes one web cache file per user on a machine, and it is gets of sync if you are opening the same site on the same machine
from 2 versions
Find and delete all FP temp files and your *.web (web cache) files, then reopen FP & run a tools recalculate hyperlinks
- By default the web cache files (*.web) are in
C:\Documents and Settings\<%USERNAME%>\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache


| Hi - I would really, really appreciate some help with this. I have been using FrontPage 2000 for ages without problems to publish
my web site. I then installed Office 2003. FrontPage 2000 continues to work BUT when I try and publish wth it it compares pages on
my local web and the remote site and then...nothing. I refuses to publish anything and then after 2 - 3 minutes I get a server
timeout error.
| My web host has re-installed FrontPage Extensions but this has made no difference at all.
| Please help!
| Thanks
| David

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