Noone Lives ForeverI error mssg



OK-now the game is installed. When i launch game, get error box:
<error copying file c shell.dll.>
I found the following in the NOLF website:

in CglobalClientMgr::Init() OR Cshell.dll error.
These errors will appear if some essential files are not copied correctly
off of the CD during installation. Please verify that your NOLF2.rez (and
NOLF.rez file if you did a full install) in your NOLF install directory are
the correct sizes:
NOLF.rez should be 618,254,258 bytes
NOLF2.rez should be 300,703,727 bytes
If these files aren't the correct sizes, delete the files in your
Windows\temp directory, copy the files off the CDs manually (i.e., using cut
and paste instead of the installer), and then paste them into the directory
where the installer tried to copy them to in your NOLF install directory

I only find a NOLF.REZ. file and it says 589MB. How on earth do I copy
files manually from the CD??

Jimmy S.


I'm glad we were able to get that installed! :)

Click Start / Search
and direct the search for that filename on your CD.

Once found select the file, rightclick and copy it.
Next paste it to your NOLF install directory. :)

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

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